chapter 24 i like the smell of gasoline

Teacher[ Ok class today we will be sparring with another class instead of each other like normally.]

Great now i have to fight other class presidents. Each class has a president as the head of the class, and since this class is full of c and d grade nobodys. I was basically instantly made class president. Normally it would be a good thing since class president gets more primeval stones but that doesn't mean much to me.

I have alot of primeval essence stones so it doesn't matter, but to be class president you also have to be the strongest of the class. In my last life i was barely able to become class president thanks to my branches support, but in this life since i refined marionette gu earlier and defeated jace a b grade talent. Nobody even challenged me for the class president role

Teacher[ we will be sparring with class b]

Thats different than my last life, in my last life we sparred with class E a weaker class. Class b has b grade talents that should be way stronger than my class.

We were all lead outside to the training ground where another class was waiting. They were all cheerfully talking to each other with not a care in the world. In contrast my class was dead silent after all they were weaker and today they'll have to fight them.

Teacher[ alright lets get this sparring session started with our class presidents match first.]

I stepped up to the ring and so did a familiar looking kid as well

Jace[ today i redeem myself ]

Great this moron hes probably the reason why my class is sparring his. Somebody must want me to fight him again.

Teacher[ Begin!!]

Jace quickly activated flame whip gu and lashed it at me. I then used line gu and had it clash with his whip, but he then pulled out a blade and threw it at me. The blade brushed against the flaming whip and instantly lit up on fire. I dodged to the side as the blade hit the ground. The flame whip gu had already burned through my line.

Looks like someone stepped up his game. Not that it matters to me at the end of the day hes a child compared to me. I then activated marionette gu as my marionette entered the ring

Jace[ this time you can't sneak attack me with that. I learned all about your marionette gu and its weakness happens to be my specialty.]

He used his flame whip and struck my marionette.

Crim[ don't you know its common sense to turn a weakness into a strength]

I then had my marionette activate a gu and all of it caught ablaze because this marionette was my eagle marionette. Once it caught ablaze i had it rush at jace while he was distracted by his stupidity.

Once he came back to his senses he tried to back away only to be hit in the leg by a blade thrown by me. He then fell only to see my eagle marionette come closer, but nothing happened as my marionette was destroyed by some metal rods.

Teacher[ thats enough, Crim is the winner]

Well that was easy but then again what do you expect. Jace was taken away to be healed and i was once again freed from the responsibility of school.

Once school ended i went to my room and used shappire python gu only for it to stop adding strength to me. Good now i have the strength of two pythons. I then went to players shop and traded shappire python gu for a new gu. This gu was a red pill bug and just like the last two gu this one is called ruby python gu.

This is gonna be the last time I'll be able to add a beasts strength to myself. If i want to add more i have to first enhance my body, but i don't plan to do so. I only wanted them to enhance the power of grip gu and jab gu. Any beast strength would increase their power but each beast has it own specialty. Boar are best at charging, horses are faster, crocodiles have better bitting power, while pythons excel at crushing. Their strength empowers grip gu even more than other beasts strength could.

I then activated ruby python gu till i had to stop. I then grabbed a cloak in my room that i had prepared earlier. I also put on some armor that i had made with shape wood gu. I put on some arm guards and leg guards that i had bought and lastly i grabbed a shield.

System( now starting the fifth match of the Event Strength Path Emerges)

I was then teleported once again to a large plain. With a person 30 feet away from me, this time my opponent was a beast man. He had the head of a falcon while his arms were green and scaly. He lifted his arms and stretched his fingers out like a beasts claws while he waited for me.

Crim[ oh look at you, i swear i had a pet bird like you once.]


Crim[ whats wrong cat got your tongue... wait is that offensive?]


Crim[ maybe your hungry? Polly want a cracker?]

???[ i don't care what you say but since you won't come to me. I'll go to you]

He very quickly ran at me i raised my shield as he strucked it with his hand. I wasn't pushed back but his fingers stabbed through my shield. He then gripped his hand breaking my shield. As he did i slashed at his hand lightly cutting him along his hand. I then used jab gu to gain some distance.

As i did I could see his wound close up. So he has a gu to increase his strength, speed, and healing, and if I'm not wrong he has a defensive type as well. My attack should have done more damage since i have the strength of two pythons and all i did was give him a small scratch.

Now hes definitely got a good set of gu. If i rely only on what strength gu i have i might not win. As i was thinking he ran at me again, i then put my hand in my cloak and pulled out some blades. Then i uses jab gu to throw them, but he used his arms and smacked them away.

So he has another defensive gu, he was almost at arms reach when i threw out a glass bottle. Hitting him in the face as the bottle broke on impact.

???[ aaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh what!!!... what is this!!!]

He was rubbing his eyes but he couldn't do it for long as he then started to sneeze. He then tried to back away, but i had long made my move. I had made my way behind him and put him in a headlock. He started to attack me but i used grip gu and all the strength i had. Crack....

System( congratulations to player Crim Don Ito for winning his fifth match. Please select your reward)

With that i won my fifth match gaining the rank 5 recipe for grip gu. That guy was very strong even though he was a beast man he was doing very good. He's definitely going to step on the path of a warrior, but their is a weakness of strength path in this world.

In Reverend insanity healing gu of the strength path were hard to get but the event would let you have access to a lot of them, the gu you could get covered strength, defense, range attacks, speed, healing, and body enhancing. It covered every thing about combat, but it lacked two things storage gu and investigative gu. Thats how i knew he wouldn't know what i was doing once i blinded him.

I just need to beat one more match then I'll have the immortal recipe for grip gu, but like i said all the battles get harder each round. The last match is definitely going to be the hardest opponent. I don't excel at strength path, its even harder since i don't have a healing or defensive strength path gu to cover my weaknesses. Looks like I'll have to prepare some other means of attacks.