The Nature of Wind

When Naruto woke up inside his mindscape, he was met by a dark, gloomy and cold atmosphere which can be associated with a large cave. A child should never have a mindscape like this, but Naruto was not a normal child. He quickly navigated the cave and reached the cage of Kyuubi's soul. He knew that today, he will not only unlock his chakra, but also try his hand at making a soft bokken for the first time.

"So Kyuubi, you said something about how chakra works. Isn't chakra simply the energy used for Ninjutsu and other ninja arts?" asked Naruto

" Chakra is much more than simply the energy to use Ninjutsu. When Rikudou Sennin was still alive, he could do anything with chakra. I saw him move mountains, create meteors and moon, create something out of nothing and even create life. What ninja do now is nothing but simply using the techniques he created for a goal opposite to his. Now chakra is a weapon rather than a tool for peace." snarled Kyuubi.

Naruto meanwhile, was in shock. The person Kyuubi just described was like a god, to be able to do such feats with just chakra was unheard of. He was lost in thought when Kyuubi said something that shocked him," You will also be able to do some feats similar to him if you train in using yin and yang chakra. The reason why the tools created by Rikudou Sennin are so great and powerful is that he did not use a material or forge to make his sword and other weapons. He created his tools by a technique called Banbutsu Sōzō (Creation of all things) which is a yin-yang release technique. Rikudou Sennin could use this technique because of his Dōjutsu called Rinnegan."

"But I don't have Rinnegan, how will I use yin-yang release? I doubt anyone could use it now. "asked Naruto. His mood went down because of it. How can he use something which he didn't have.

"Kit, everyone has yin and yang chakra. It is a reason why anyone with proper training can utilize it. Also, it can take a few years to master yin-yang release if you want to use Banbutsu Sōzō. Also, I have a way which can be used to do it faster. Since mindscape is a manifestation of your mind, it can be used to affect your chakra coils. You can train in the mindscape for weeks, but only a few hours will be there in real world. You will have enough time to practice chakra."

Kyuubi started what Naruto had dubbed 'The Lecture Mode' and started his lecture, "While most ninja start simply by unlocking chakra and using its mixture from the start, I follow a different method. In this method, we unlock the chakra, check the balance in yin and yang chakra which are called reiryoku and ki respectively. Based on the balance, the chakra practice is done. Most ninja say that wind, lightning and fire are offensive, water is neutral and earth is defensive. While this is true, chakra elements are not categorized like that. The elements are categorized as heavy yin, yin, yin-yang, yang, and heavy yang. Lightning is heavy yin as it requires high amount of yin chakra to have lightning as a natural affinity, fire is yang as it requires more yin but some yang chakra as fuel. Water is yang as it is material yet fluid thus it is governed by more yang for matter manipulation and little yin for matter direction, earth on the other hand requires heavy yang chakra to even mold itself. It is also the reason why there were no earth users in Uchiha clan and no pure lightning users in Senju clan. Chakra can also be conditioned for a certain element if the element is practiced before natural affinity is able to surface.

This is the reason why most people in Kumo have lightning, Kiri has water, Iwa has earth, Suna has wind and Konoha has fire users. When we unlock your chakra, I will check your affinity. If it is pure wind, then you will be able to use both yin and yang chakra with equal prowess. If it is lightning or fire, your sword will be formed more easily but will not have the same power. If you have earth or water, your strong will be slightly more difficult to form but will have great power in strength. Personally, wind will be the most powerful as it is a symbol of balance. Balance is the strongest aspect. Now start meditating and try to find warmth inside you. You will know it is chakra because you will be able to feel its familiarity. "

With that, Naruto started meditating and true to Kyuubi's prediction, he found his chakra. He pulled at it and it flew in his body like a current which gave him a rush. He sat there marveling at the feeling. It was comforting and pleasant, and calmed his mind completely. Suddenly, the voice of Kyuubi snapped his mind towards him.

"Congratulations kit, you activated your chakra and by the look of it, it is a perfectly balanced one. You have a very potent and strong natural wind element. Now, imagine a big tree with a lot of leaves on it so that we are able to practice the first stage of wind manipulation." Naruto quickly imagined a tree with numerous leaves. It was the same tree, which he was to use to make a sturdy bokken. Quickly taking a leaf, he decided to work on cutting the leaf with wind chakra.

After a little while, he began to get frustrated with how slow the progress was going. Slowly a tic began to form on his forehead which started to pulse. His nerve began to twitch and he screamed in frustration.

"AAAAAH! Why is it so hard, and what is it that I am doing wrong? This is my thirteenth attempt in two hours and not even a cut has appeared on the leaf. Kyuubi what am I doing wrong." Yelled Naruto, obviously quite pissed.

"Call me Kurama kit, for that is my name. Secondly, you are not controlling the chakra you are using. Hence change of plans, rather than cutting the leaf, try to stick the leaf on your forehead with chakra. In fact, let's play a game. If you are unable to cut a leaf in a single try, stick it on your forehead. If you have twenty leaves on your forehead, you will lose. I will give you pointers in leaf cutting I find some flaw in your method. I will also give you instruction for a certain jutsu which will help you tremendously in training. If by the end of five games, you there is no cut on the leaf, we will not practice bokken making tomorrow." grinned Kyuubi when Naruto paled at the thought of not practicing any aspect of Kenjutsu, even something like bokken making. With new vigor, he tried to cut the leaf when Kyuubi made a comment.

"Kit, wind is not an element you can control like water or lightning. Wind requires movement of both matter and energy. You are not simply pulsating chakra like lightning. You are directing chakra to move the wind. If you try to force your will, you will get cut. If you simply let go, you will snap under wind's power. Channel your chakra in a way that wind moves in the direction you want on its own accord. Your chakra already resonates with wind. You simply have to guide it's movement." Kurama suggested.

This made Naruto's mind travel back to when he was reading science. Wind is a force created by the movement of air. Air moves because of concentration and pressure. He carefully pushed chakra at one point while pulled it at another. A small breeze blew but that was it. Yet it was a start. Sighing, Naruto carefully stuck the leaf on his forehead. They theory was simple but it was a much harder task than it looked as the leaf blew away from his head at a high speed. As he was reaching for a new leaf, Kyuubi chided.

"I don't see a leaf on your forehead. First stick it, and then move onto the next leaf. Otherwise you will never succeed. Samurai are not just strong, they are perfectionists. They do not move forward without completing the previous assignment. So, get on with it." Naruto sighed again. It will be a long night for both of them. Unfortunately, for Naruto, Kyuubi did not require rest, so it was a long night for Naruto. After all what is one night for being who has lived for centuries.

Next Morning

A bleary eyed Naruto woke up with a splitting headache and he felt weak like a newborn. Naruto was wondering 'Why do I feel so weak. It feels as if I was running the whole night.'

Suddenly he heard Kurama's voice," Kit, if anyone will use the amount of chakra you used on your first day of unlocking it, they will feel the same amount of weakness you are experiencing. This is just exhaustion from using too much chakra. Now that you have unlocked your chakra, you must learn how to control it. Because of your study in Fuinnjutsu, you can write at an extremely fast rate. When your siblings go out for training today, quickly copy the instructions of Kage Bunshin no Jutsu from the Namikaze library. It will help in advancing your training. Since you have the day off, try to study. Maybe you can start on the basics of designing the Kenjutsu style, or perhaps check out some books on physical conditioning. Look for some other chakra control exercises as well. For you will need them. Medics have excellent chakra control but you can also ask some Genjutsu specialist. In other words, take the day off to think on what you should do."

As Naruto heard it, he understood the plan. He was low on chakra and heavily exhausted. So today will be study day. He had so many things he wanted to do and the time was little. He quickly got out of his bed, took a quick bath and went into the kitchen. As he came down from his room, he found no one in the house. His parents were training his siblings in the backyard. This was the opportunity he was waiting for. He quickly fetched a blank scroll from his room and ran into the Namikaze library. After a search for about half an hour, he was able to find the Kage Bunshin no Jutsu and quickly copied it down.

As he reached his room, he thought about Kenjutsu which was something he was thinking a lot about since he read the book about samurai. He had seen his mother using a katana but for some reason, he found her movements lacking and weak. She did not have the strength so she compensated it by channeling chakra through her muscles. Her movements while amazing were highly imprecise, and the grace was missing. True she used her sword in a very deadly way, but her Kenjutsu seemed wrong on so many levels. Her attack force dissipated after striking. He reviewed all the other Kenjutsu styles he had seen or heard about. While they were strong styles, they were too imprecise and the force always dissipated.

Another thing that he hated was that most Kenjutsu users concentrated on kata for the Kenjutsu style but none actually conditioned their bodies. The only person he had seen with a conditioned body was a Taijutsu specialist with a freaky fashion sense. Naruto decided that he will not use chakra to enhance his movements. His muscles were young, but even he knew how that if he does weight training right now, he will have problems later in his life. He decided that he will seek out the jounin to learn about body conditioning. With that thought, he first decided to go to the library in order to learn more about chakra control.

The Library

Yūhi Kurenai was a chunnin who was a budding Genjutsu specialist. She was also one of the most beautiful women in the village. Her raven hair and wine-colored eyes were a source of daydream for many young ninja in the village. She was also very familiar with the Namikaze. As she read a book on Genjutsu in the library, the oldest of the three triplets of Namikaze family entered the library. She was quite curious which caused her to follow him. She found him sneaking in the gennin section and looking at chakra control books, basics of anatomy and finally, history and techniques of Suna. As she approached him, he noticed her and asked her in a monotone," Hello Miss Yūhi, how can I help you?"

Kurenai was stunned at his tone. She was wondering,' How can a child have such tone. It is more suited to veteran ninja.'"I was just curious, why are you reading these books. Most children your age don't study this much."

"I am different than any other child my age." replied Naruto in the same monotone. As he looked at her, he scowled as he recognized the woman who was closer to his mother than himself. While he was detached from his family, he didn't like the people who constantly surrounded them very much.

"Now if you'll excuse me…" and with that, Naruto went back to his reading. Kurenai seeing him engrossed in reading quickly left. Naruto quickly checked out the books and went in search of the freaky jounin. He was ready to start exercising and conditioning his body as soon as possible. His Kenjutsu will rely on pure strength and speed, not chakra enhanced frail muscle.

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