The Sword and the Soul

Three years later

The past three years were quite good for Naruto. He now wore a black hakama and a black haori (think of a shinigami hakama but with a black haori). Due to his extreme physical conditioning, he was a muscular twelve year old who was 5'9" which was quite tall for his age. His parents didn't care much about what he wore or his height but his siblings did take note. For them, he was like a puzzle but they were unable to figure him out. His physique also garnered the attention of many people, mostly civilians. He spent a lot of time with civilians helping them by doing D-rank missions. While D-ranks were given to the gennin, most of them whined a lot about doing mindless chores. So he kept asking around and did the most physically challenging tasks to condition and tone up his body. Most people did not know that such a muscular body was built by doing the ridiculous exercises of the spandex-wearing jounin Maito Gai. Naruto still remembered his first meeting with Gai three years ago.


Naruto was trying to find the green Jounin who he had seen on previous occasions. As he roamed towards the edge of Konoha, a shout which sounded suspiciously like Youth was heard. He quickly turned to see the Jounin running around the village. He knew that he will not be able to match him, so he decided to stop the Jounin for some time.

Quickly running in the path of the Jounin, Naruto yelled," Stop Jounin-san, I need to talk to you for a moment."

The Jounin quickly stopped and made a pose with a thumbs-up grinning and said in a very loud voice," WHAT IS IT THAT YOU WANTED TO ASK MY YOUTHFUL FRIEND. I, MAITO GAI, THE BEAUTIFUL GREEN BEAST OF KONOHA SHALL HEL YOU."

Naruto quickly cleans his ear and asks in a monotone," Will you help me in conditioning my body. You are the one who works extremely hard, probably harder than anyone. You must know about how I should condition my body for speed and strength" at the end Naruto sounded a bit hopeful.


Naruto just knew that it was going to be a pain later on.

Flashback End

While Naruto was right, the training was a pain in the ass, it worked. He could move at extremely high speed without any nasty ill effects like torn muscles, legs mangled beyond repair etc. Gai even wanted Naruto to learn Goken (Strong Fist), Naruto declined. Goken was a strong style, but it was highly yang natured. Those with firm body and strong stance can easily perform Goken, Naruto's wind natured chakra always made him look for balance. His Taijutsu must be strong like earth but flexible like water, random like lightning, yet straight like fire. That was the nature of wind. It completely coincided with his swordsmanship.

Fuinnjutsu was also an area where Naruto shone. At the age of twelve, he was a level eight seal master. It was even greater achievement as he was completely self taught. The Uzumaki affinity for seals was high in Naruto. He used many resistance seals on his body and even more on his haori. Kyuubi had recovered about seven tails of youkai back and helped in maturing his physical body faster so that he could reach is prime early. While he was physically and mentally strong, his strongest points were his chakra control and molding and his Kenjutsu. With Kyuubi's help, he was able to find the chakra creating mechanism in his mindscape and altered it to make both yin and yang chakra separately. This had a few side effects as well though none were harmful. Because of this alteration, Naruto gained two separate pools of yin and yang chakra, or as he knew them as reiryoku and ki as well as perfect control over his chakra. He still remembered when he first learned about yin and yang chakra molding by Kurama.


Naruto once again reached his mindscape for his lesson. He was told yesterday that he will be learning about ki and reiryoku molding today. He would have been lying if he said that he was not excited. Quickly reaching Kurama's cage, he called out to the fox," Yo Kurama! Where are you, it's time for the lesson."

"Damn kit, why you are so chipper. Fine, let's get to the lesson. Now do you know any difference between yin and yang." came the annoyed yet wise voice of the great fox.

"Well, yang must be heavier than yin as it comes from body. Yin be used for Genjutsu and yang must be the one used for Iryojutsu (Medical Ninjutsu). I have noted the difference. When I use minor Genjutsu, chakra does not feel as heavy as when I use Mystical Palm jutsu. In fact chakra flows more easily in Genjutsu." recalled Naruto. When he used Mystical Palm Jutsu before, chakra moved slow and sluggishly. It was as if, chakra had to be pushed more than in Genjutsu where chakra moved like it was being pulled.

"Well done kit, yes, this is a major difference in yin and yang. While yin being spiritual energy needs to be pulled or rather it pulls itself on the target rather than you pulling or pushing it. It is similar to how lightning flows on its own. Yin has an attractive effect on yin. Yang is like pushing mud through a pipe. You must use constant force. Now summon your chakra and try to sense the different energies. You can even use colors to visualize. Red for yin and blue for yang." instructed Kurama.

That night Naruto was able to use both yin and yang chakra to a certain degree. He was able to separate his chakra into yin and yang chakra for some time.

Flashback end

Naruto's biggest improvement was in the field of Kenjutsu. It took him a month to perfectly master wind element with the help of Kurama and two hundred Kage Bunshin. At the end of three months, he was able to carve the bokken completely out of a solid wooden block with wind chakra only. Kurama said that he had to learn more about wind manipulation, but by the standard of ninja, Naruto was already a master of wind chakra. No one, even in Suna could brag about being able to carve wood or rock by the means of wind chakra. The bokken caved was a work of art. Even though it was only a bokken, it was strong and sturdy. Once he constructed his bokken, he started to practice handling a sword. It took him a month without Kage Bunshin, but he could handle a sword perfectly. Naruto had thought about showing his mother, the efforts of his hard work, but decided against it.

He had laid the framework of his Kenjutsu styles before he even made a bokken. For the first style, he thought of speed and precision as a base. He had read the exploits of his father during the Third Shinobi War. His father's speed was legendary and helped him kill a whole battalion of Iwa ninja within a matter of seconds. But he found a flaw in his work. His father used the famed Hiraishin no Jutsu to achieve this speed. Because of this, it was out of Naruto's reach. He also found his father's method ineffective. His mother on the other hand was imprecise. He had gleaned that much from his mothers Kenjutsu practice. Most of the attacks while deadly were not efficient. She used to much force and was unable to hit the exact point every time.

Based on these observations, Naruto created the forms of his first Kenjutsu style, a style so precise and fast that it had no equal. It took countless hours of study and practice but he was able to develop the style he proudly called Hiten Mitsurugi ryu (Flying Heaven Govern Sword-Style). There was only one problem with the style, but if it is removed, it was the most powerful Kenjutsu style. He used Battoujutsu as the basis due to the fast movements in Battoujutsu. The only problems left in the style were his body conditioning and his speed. But the problem of speed was solved.

His second style was based on the dissipation of attack force while a person is using it. Once again, the answer was found in Battoujutsu. He practiced the application of force on a single point in both armed and unarmed combat. This resulted in the formation of Shingetsu ryu (Heart Moon Style). The techniques in this style were so powerful, that if it was used with a real katana, it could completely obliterate a mountain. As a result, Naruto kept that style for gigantic objects and opponents like summons or constructs.

He was unable to think about what should be done about his yin chakra. Hence he started experimenting, which resulted in two speed techniques vastly superior to the normal Shunshin no jutsu (Body-Flicker technique). The first one was called Shunpo which completely outclassed Shunshin and would be on par with the Yondaime Raikage's Raiton no Yoroi (Lightning Armor). It was done by coating the soles of feet with in chakra and taking steps. It even helped him stand on air. The other technique was Sonido which allowed him to surpass the speed of Hiraishin. He was also able to become skilled medic, which was easy due to his perfect chakra control and access to pure yang chakra.

If anyone from his family had paid attention to him, they would have seen his talent in creating two powerful styles from scratch, yet they never paid attention. His relationship with his family also deteriorated and they were not even on talking terms. The village was not helping either. Other than giving him simple missions, he did not form any bonds with the village. While he did not have to hide his skill, he did not need to show it as well. This caused the villagers to think him as less talented than his siblings. This inflated the ego of his twosiblings.

The village also changes quite a bit. His two siblings along with himself were now academy students and would be graduating in about two year's time. They had taken to pranking and the village was now their playground as they played pranks on everyone. Yet they were showered with love, just like Uchiha Sasuke, the last loyal male Uchiha. About a month ago, the entire Uchiha clan was massacred by the prodigy of the clan Uchiha Itachi. Since the Sharingan was one of the most revered bloodlines, Sasuke was given love and affection by everyone. Yet he was fixated on killing his elder brother. This had completely consumed his perception. Naruto may not have felt anything of equal magnitude to Sasuke, Naruto was not naïve and was much more mature. He was hardened by the harsh realities that power was not something acquired suddenly and must be gained through hard work. In Naruto's opinion, power was simply an illusion to lure an innocent individual towards the darkness. Naruto did not possess any power, he had strength and skill which cannot be handed to someone, it must be earned on his own.

Right now, Naruto was in a faraway training ground and he was very excited. Kurama told Naruto that he will be receiving his sword today. There was a happy spring in his step. He had waited for this moment for three years. He quickly put seals around himself to make sure that no one comes to investigate his chakra discharge. Once the seals were set, Naruto sat in a lotus position and started to meditate.

Opening his eyes in front of Kurama's cage, he looked at the giant fox whom he considered as a father/big brother figure in his life. With a rare smile on his face, Naruto greeted the giant fox.

"Hello Kurama! How are you." The giant fox smirked and replied

"Well kit, you seem awfully happy today, what's the occasion. Did you finally see how grand I am?" teased Kurama.

"Don't mess up today Kurama, you know what is the occasion, let's get on with it." Chided Naruto.

"Spoilsport, Ok then, let's make your sword. But first make something with your yin chakra, probably a curved dagger or something, it will give you an idea. After that you will meditate while using yin and yang chakra separately. This time, your own soul would guide you." explained Kurama.

Naruto concentrated for some time and when he opened his eye, there was an ivory white curved dagger lying in front of him. As he picked the dagger, he marveled at the weight and balance of this new weapon. His mystified gaze caught Kyuubi's attention. The giant beast thought,' If simply a dagger made by conscious effort can mystify you so much, what will his reaction be at a blade made subconsciously by his soul.'

"Now began to meditate. Follow the same method you would use to reach the mindscape; it will take you inside your soul. Then you will have to choose which part of your soul will make the blade. Once the part of soul is chosen, start releasing your yin and yang chakra. Your soul itself will guide you in using Banbutsu Sōzō." Kyuubi advised.

Naruto took his meditative posture and started to concentrate on his soul. As he was meditating, the surroundings melted to form his soulscape.


Slowly he opened his eyes. He was in a clearing under the red light of the moon….wait red? When Naruto looked up, he was able to see, but not believe. There in the sky, was a red moon. He closed his eyes and began to search his soul. He found his happiness, pride, love, compassion, and all the other emotions. Suddenly, he heard a voice telling him to open his eyes. Naruto opened his eyes and saw a tall man with ebony colored hair tied in a ponytail; his eyes were a piercing violet and an angular face. His clothes were completely black with black-bronze samurai armor adorned his body. He looked like a noble samurai when his face and clothes were seen together. He asked," What are you doing here; just choose the emotion and go. I don't have all the time in the world."

Naruto who was initially surprised at the appearance of this man got angry; after all, it is not every day that you encounter a strange man inside your soul. With a slightly cold tone Naruto asked," Who are you? And for that matter what are you doing in my soul?"

The man was annoyed," I am the guardian of this soul. Every soul has a guardian provided by Kamisama to help the soul. Most people come to their soul to use it. What will you do with this soul, hack it into pieces, destroy with heinous deeds, or poison yourself, huh?"

Naruto schooled his emotions, and answered," I came here to make a soul blade."

"You do know that you will have to choose certain emotion from all those you have, and you cannot lie here, for your soul is bare. So choose, Namikaze-Uzumaki Naruto which emotions will make the blade." smirked the man. With that, the emotions in the soul started whispering and asking him to choose them. Happiness started pleading, anger started threatening, sorrow started wailing. Soon it was a cacophony and Naruto had to plug hi ears to even think clearly. Then all of a sudden, a memory came to him, the memory from three years ago. His soul started to calm and he spoke," I have chosen."

The whispering stopped and the guardian asked while smirking," So, which emotions do you choose?"

"I choose my sense of justice, my compassion for the needy, my hate for the guilty and finally my determination, so that I may never forget my path. This is my way of life, never stop, never rest, and always work for the world. This is my samurai way." replied Naruto with fire in his eyes.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Never before did I expect such a thing from a human. Humans are power-hungry, egoistical, arrogant or too loving for their own good. You sacrificed all your thoughts of personal gain. You truly are the Child of Prophecy. I am so honored to have a partner like you."

Naruto was unable to comprehend and finally asked something that has been bugging him from the start "Who are you?"

The man smiled…a true smile, not one of his infuriating smirks that he gave till now, "I am your partner, your sword, your companion and the person who will always be loyal and helpful to you. Our friendship is fated; based on mutual respect rather than any obligation."

"Don't tell me, you are…" Naruto figured out and was awed.

"Yes I am. As for my name, try to hear it clearly, it is Yamato." answered the man.

Suddenly the soulscape started to melt, and the new friends started to part away. With a quick goodbye the two friends started to part. This was a fruitful meeting for both of them. Finally, the soulscape melted and Naruto found himself back in front of Kurama's cage. Kurama was giving him a foxy grin and as Naruto looked at him Kurama said something that startled Naruto.

"Congratulations on the sword kit, may he serve you well. It looks nice, by the way."

Startled, Naruto looked in front of him and there it was, the most beautiful and powerful sword he has ever seen which took his breath away. It was a katana, with an ornate bronze guard. The handle was white with black cord wrapped on it. It was sharp and he was positive that no normal sword would be able to match it. The second its handle touched Naruto's hand, the mindscape sewer walls along with the Kyuubi's cage shattered and he was in a forest with the pleasing moonlight shining on him. This was the first time Naruto cried, but anyone could see his happiness when he held the sword. Naruto ran forward and hugged Kurama's paw to show his gratitude. This was new to Kurama but he was happy that the kit was recovering his emotions.

The Next Day

Naruto groaned and woke up, feeling exhausted just like when he first use chakra. He lazily woke up from the grass when he looked around. He was in the same clearing that he was in last night. Looking around he found Yamato in a black sheath. Quickly checking it, he ran in happiness, sealing Yamato in a storage seal on his wrist, he went to meet Gai for his morning run. It was not good to slack off after all.

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