Chapter 140

[Beep- Beep!]

Inside the hall where The Dawn's Japan debut showcase was taking place, as well as the domestic Noeuls watching the showcase live broadcast, all were eagerly awaiting as the lights dimmed and darkness enveloped the stage.

[Beep- Beep!]

Amidst the slightly youthful and exciting beats, pastel-colored lights came on.

A large sofa was positioned slightly behind the center of the stage, with Kim Seonghyeon lying on it with his eyes closed.

"Wow, crazy styling,"

A loose basketball uniform draped over a white knit or white T-shirt with a thick navy line along the V-neck.

Shorts or baggy jeans that rose slightly above the knees with a long belt hanging down.

And white socks rising high on the neck and sneakers!!

["Wow, how did they know I go crazy over this kind of thing?"]

The refreshing boyish outfit made everyone tear their hair out.

["White T-shirt + basketball uniform always wins.."]

["Suddenly not going to Japan is making me angry.....]

While the Noeuls were unexpectedly filled with anger(?), the alarm rang loudly once again.

[Beep- Bzzzzzz!]

At that moment, Kim Seonghyun n, who was lying on the sofa, sat up and rubbed his eyes.

[Yes, time to wake up]

The lyrics were tailored to the unfolding animation, a coming-of-age story of a protagonist striving to become an idol in Korea, filled with the anxiety and determination toward success in a foreign land, alongside excitement.

[Lately, I can't sleep, my heart keeps pounding and my lips are parched, can we really do well?]

[Kim Sunghyun's low voice is so good]

["My expression has been so much better latelyㅠㅠ Seonghyun, you have everything.."]

Kim Seonghyun, who found practicing expressions under Seo Hoyun's mixed teasing more difficult than memorizing Japanese lyrics, thankfully showed quite a decent expression on stage.

[But we keep telling each other (Of course, what are you talking about?)

As we color the canvas as we wish]

When Kang Ichae appeared behind the sofa and made eye contact with Kim Seonghyun, he smiled and stood up.

Then, Jung Dajun also popped out from behind the sofa, leaped over the backrest, and sat down, singing his part.

[New Colors!

My heart keeps pounding, the tension and excitement I've never experienced before]

[Wow, the lyrics are so good.... ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ Is a new challenge = color? Damn..]

"I can't believe the members wrote this and handled the translationㅠ I love their sensitivity.."

[Behind the stage, you say to me

At this moment, we will achieve our dreams]

At that moment, Kang Ichae, with a playful expression, leaned on the armrest of the sofa and poked Jeong Dajun with a grin.

[But wouldn't it be better if you were by my side?

―Swallowing the words "I also believe we will!" instead]

With a refreshing beat, Sung Jiwon and Seo Hoyun appeared on both sides to synchronize their choreography.

[Real angels have appeared

Of course, one of them has a peculiar personality (laughter)]

Now, not just Seo Hoyun but also Sung Jiwon were referred to as 'real angels'. Despite their contrasting personalities, they looked harmonious on the surface, laughing together.

Sung Jiwon, with a mischievous expression and a slight twitch of his nose, took a step forward as if moving the hands of a clock to the right.

[ draw our future together, can I say that meeting you changed me?]

Seo Hoyun, sitting on the sofa, rested his chin on his hand and rolled his eyes.

[Today, tomorrow, and the day after, we'll be together]

Then, he got up briskly and joined the members who were stepping lively behind.

From then on, it was a meticulous and intense choreography.

As Kim Seonghyun held his chin with his big hand and nodded his head from side to side, the members changed their movements in perfect sync with his small gesture.

[Wow, they're really dancing like their bodies are breaking;;]

[They dance like it's the last performance every time.. Love them.. ㅠ]

Without missing a beat, they seamlessly executed the sharp choreography.

[My heart keeps pounding, I want to tell you

I hope this moment continues !]

But then, a problem arose.


["Dajun's shoelace came untied"]

[If I say this, will you laugh?]

Our normally confident dancer, in sync with the beat, powerfully executed the choreography, but then,

[Gasp, baby]

Unfortunately, the shoes worn that day were sponsored sneakers, a half size larger, and despite being firmly tied, due to exerting too much force on the floor while kicking and hitting, one of them flew off.


Losing its direction and soaring into the air, one shoe―.


As Kim Seonghyun danced, moving behind the stage, something suddenly dropped onto his head with a gentle "thud"!


Like a scene from a comic book, a cute shoe that had elegantly perched on top of his head now followed the movements of his body in sync with the choreography, rolling down to the floor.


Kim Seonghyun's expression froze with a slightly open mouth as he tried to make sense of the situation, not knowing how to react.


Even though it was a lightweight sneaker, the sudden drop due to gravity must have been painful, but the instinct not to stop the performance, along with the confusion, was clearly evident on Kim Seonghyun's face.

As Jung Dajun scanned Kim Seonghyun's face while adjusting his own position, his eyes shook rapidly, it was captured by the camera.

[Ah!! Damn, what should we do about this??? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ]

[Jung Dajun, the guardian angel from the heavens, is helping out lol]

[But right now, the people who are laughing the most are all SunPro* (fans of Kim Seonghyun )lolㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ]

(*SunPro: Unexpectedly lucky day♡)

In the blink of an eye, due to an unexpected broadcasting accident, Kim Seonghyun became the idol hit by a shoe during a showcase, while Jung Dajun became the idol who hit another idol with a shoe. Excluding them, the rest of the group either held back their laughter or bit down hard on their cheeks.

To resist bursting into laughter.

[…Today, tomorrow, and the day after, we'll be together]

Especially Kang Ichae, who had been repeatedly pressing the laughter button, chewed on his lower lip vigorously every time the camera didn't catch him.

[Hey, how are we going to stop our laughter? Damn, I'm laughing so hard, but what about them?]

[It's like a live comedy show lol Extreme job experience lolㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ]

[Hey, this is The Dawn's Japan debut showcase, what do we do??


Hey, what do we do?]

Knowing they couldn't stop now, when those who hadn't witnessed the scene from just a few seconds ago saw them, they continued the stage as if nothing had happened.

Even Jung Dajun, dancing with only socks on one foot, smiled broadly and tried to act as if nothing was out of the ordinary.

[Ah, this is a bit awkward When the curtain rises as you keep dancing at the back of the stage, I can't stop laughing when I see you]

Unexpectedly, the rap lyrics that perfectly matched the situation caused Kang Ichae, who had been barely holding back his laughter until now, to burst into laughter. Seeing this, Jung Dajun, who was diagonally across from him, grinned widely.

[Since Kang Ichae's lyrics are spot-on, he's laughing along with the situation lolㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ]

["Smart kidㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ"]

As Kang Ichae, who had been laughing until the end, fell to the side, Seo Hoyun, standing in the center, exchanged glances with Kim Seonghyeon and Sung Jiwon, both smiling while dancing in sync with the choreography.

["What's going on?"]

["Why are they looking at each other?"]

[My heart keeps fluttering, I want to be dyed with your colors]

The members swiftly witnessed the scene and were excited, as Sung Jiwon moved along the stage and quickly picked up the shoe that had fallen to the edge, then pushed it towards Kim Seonghyeon.



Seeing this, Kim Seonghyun modified the original choreography, spinning around and sitting down to pick up Jung Dajun's shoe as if water was flowing smoothly.


[If I say this, will you smile?]

At that moment, Seo Hoyun, who happened to be nearby, got the shoe of Jung Dajun from behind and muttered, "Ah damn."

Instead of sitting on the sofa with Jung Dajun, Seo Hoyun knelt down on one knee and grabbed Jeong Dajun's ankle.


Then, he helped Jung Dajun put on the other shoe.

[I may have a bad personality (Yeah I know)

I'm always doing whatever I want]

[Whaaah Aaah!!


["Seo Hoyun, you little brat."]

"Laughing while suddenly stopping laughing"

The coordination between Sung Jiwon, Kim Seonghyun, and Seo Hoyun was so natural that Jung Dajun's shoe-throwing accident seemed like a planned performance.

[If it's you, I'm okay with losing]

Seo Hoyun gently poked Jung Dajun's forehead and stood up with a smile.

They seamlessly returned to the group dance.

[Your color is the only one among the colorless]

Seo Hoyun and Sung Jiwon switched positions in the center, and Sung Jiwon stepped forward.

[I wish this moment could last forever, can I stay by your side?

(You shine only in my world)]

As he pretended to knock smartly, Kim Seonghyun deliberately pretended to touch the part of the shoe that hit him, as if opening a door with his hand.

[―I'll swallow those words and say instead, let's imagine tomorrow together, I've changed for you, okay? ]

The members who had earnestly performed their main task smiled widely at the camera.

[My Colors!]





"Ah! hyung, I'm really, really, really sorry!!"

"It was a great experience, maknae..."

"No, how did it hit me like that??"

The Japanese debut showcase was fully captured on camera and recorded as video footage.

Perhaps because of that, The DAWN's showcase stage in Japan became somewhat of a topic.

Comments even flooded onto Japanese video-sharing sites with the scene of Jung Dajun's shoe flying, covered in Japanese laughing emojis.


[It's dangerous, it's dangerous, it's dangerous]

[I'm literally laughing to deathwwwww]

Not only that, it even made it to the trending videos on Japanese YouTube.

For a rookie idol just debuting, it was quite a bold move. The fact that even people who had no interest in idols came to see it as a funny video played a big role.

["Everyone's laughing, but I'm sincerely amazed. Koreans' adaptability is amazing."]

["Seonghyun's 'I can't believe this' expression (laughs) I can definitely relate."]

["Seeing Dajun being flustered is adorable."]

["The part where Hoyun is helping him put on the shoe, I can't handle it. Is this kid an angel?"]

["Hey, Redhead, are you just laughing the whole time?wwwwww"]

Korean Noeuls were also laughing their heads off.

'Typical Korean idol debut showcase,' 'The DAWN's ability to handle stage accidents,' These kinds of titles were circulating as memes, bringing joy to everyone, but...

["Dajun-ah, your story is here~."]

["Uwaaa!! Stop! Stop pushing it in!!"]

Jung Dajun was the only exception.

Every time the memory came back, he would hang his head in embarrassment, his ears turning red, and apologize to Kim Seonghyun every time.

"Oh no, seriously...!! What if you guys hadn't helped me back then, what would I have done??"

"Unbelievable, right?"

"To be honest, I got a year's worth of emotion from Hoyunie hyung alone."

If it hadn't been for the showcase stage, the hyungs would have just tossed him the shoe with a 'Here,' but Jung Dajun just nodded his head with a touched expression.

Next to him, Sung jiwon chuckled.

"Thank goodness no one got hurt."

"Wow, ugh..."

"Thanks for bringing big fun from the start of the new year~."

"The rapper who's just funny, be quiet...."

Instead, looking at Kang Ichae, who was making ridiculous claims that he had made the stage more appealing and focused on people's attention, Jung Dajun growled.

Anyway, everyone breathed a sigh of relief knowing they had finished the stage, but Seo hoyun just sat on the sofa a little apart, staring at his phone without saying a word.

The other members glanced at him, murmuring.

"...But, we're doing it at midnight today, right?"

Kim Seonghyun asked.

"Of course, we even rented a separate hotel room for it."

"On your own expenses?"


Kang Ichae chuckled and plugged in his earphones.

"...But you know, Seo Hoyun, would he really fall for it?"

That 'Seo Hoyun.'

Could the incredibly sharp Seo Hoyun, whose senses were about three times sharper than everyone else's, really be unaware of that surprise camera?

"Hahaha. What are you talking about now, hyung?"



Unlike Kim Seonghyun, Kang Ichae just chuckled without worrying about any aftermath.

The glint in Kang Ichae's eyes, as he licked his lower lip with his tongue, shone like that of a predator facing its prey.

"I'm confident."

January 30th, for recording the ultimate surprise camera for Seo hoyun's birthday.

Kang Ichae, this guy, was more sincere than anyone else.
