Chapter 141

January 30th.

It's the birthday of Seo Hoyun, the sub-vocalist of The Dawn.

The fans were extremely excited.

[Guys, The Dawn must be really popular!!! I'm so proud ㅠㅠㅠ There's a department store fancam and there are so many people and they all know the fan chant ㅠ]

[I'm so moved, I told you he would become the prince of yen~~~]

[I can even let it slide when Japanese fans call Seo Hoyun a cat]

The reason was not only because The Dawn was doing well in Japan, but also because it was soon to be Seo Hoyun's birthday.

Listening to the Japanese B-side track Colors, everyone was looking forward to Seo Hoyun's birthday.

[Wow, but it seems like Seo Hoyun is definitely the popular memberㄷ The Korean fans are amazing, they even put up a birthday advertisement on the billboard of a building in Japan right after The Dawn's Japanese debut]

They even hung a birthday celebration video on a building in the middle of Shinjuku, Tokyo. It was only a few seconds long, but it filled the fans' hearts with joy.

[But I'm getting emotional watching the video..

I'm so grateful that Hoyun was born...

Seriously... I'm moved

└Why are you so emotional today?

└Because Hoyun was born with such good looks.....

└That's touching....]

[Will the kids throw a birthday party on the V-app?

The only downside is that it's in Japan...]

[Have we decided on a birthday hashtag??]

The fans were very interested, but

[I guess a surprise party is impossibleㅎㅎ]

[ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋA surprise for Seo Hoyun..?

└He would be confused..]

[He would pretend to be surprised, right?

└Of course]

Most of them had this opinion.

Even if they were born again, they couldn't imagine Seo Hoyun being surprised or crying at a surprise party or hidden camera.

[If he cries, it would feel like a hallucination

└Ah ㅅㅂㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ]

So, the fans were only expecting small contents like The Dawn members making a cake together or exchanging gifts.

[Mission Impossible - Surprise for Seo Hoyun (Feat. 2nd floor)]

But, the title of the V-app was strange.



As soon as the Noeul members logged into the V-app, Kang Ichae's face appeared.


With a hotel room as the background, he was wearing a black hoodie and a cap, making a flower cup with both hands and smiling.

"Everyone's slowly coming in. I don't have much time, so I'll get straight to the point. You know what day it is soon, right?"

Kang Ichae hummed and tapped on the keyboard of the laptop prepared by the planning team.

"It's our sub-vocal's birthday. ...We can't just let this pass, right?"

[What's going on?]

[Wow, are you really going to surprise him?]

[Wow, Kang Ichae is brave lol]

They know Seo Hoyun can't be fooled. He might have caught off guard at first but we've been together for a long time already and he have a good grasp of the members' personalities.

More than anything, he was originally shameless, but now he had a steel mentality, so even teasing couldn't even work.

'He's changed a lot. It was fun to tease him though, but he suddenly changed

Even if he said 'tokkeng tokkeng', 'ho woo ho woo', now Seo Hoyun would respond with 'carrot carrot', and Kang Ichae was upset.

'I can't leave him alone because of my pride.'

So, Kang Ichae carefully planned.

He was quite satisfied with his plan, and if Seo Hoyun did well, he could be fooled.

"Mission Impossible Seo Tokkeng Surprise Party. Now, I'll quickly explain."

Kang Ichae snapped his fingers.

Then, as if they had been waiting, the Mission Impossible song rang out.

―Bam bam, ba bam bam, ba bam!

"If you point a camera at the suspicious Seo Hoyun or install it awkwardly, the chances of getting caught are high. So, we got the hotel's consent and pre-installed it in the corridor of one floor reserved for our company staff and members' rooms, and some of our rooms."

[This is crazy ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ ]

[Hey, don't play spy movie BGM, you crazy guy ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ]

Since it was a pre-discussed announcement with the planning team, it wasn't hard to get cooperation.

"You can check all the situations here."

The large TV screen behind Kang Ichae, which was like a background, turned on. Then, the footage of the CCTV divided into four parts was shown.

So that the fans are watching through the V app could also monitor the situation kang Ichae had previously mentioned connecting the laptop screen and the TV.

[ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋKang Ichae]

[Why are you so serious ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ]

The Noeuls laughed harder at the thorough preparation that went beyond the usual terrestrial entertainment.

Nevertheless, the Noeuls didn't have high expectations.

[It might be a bit difficult for Hoyun... haha]

Because they were overly familiar with Seo Hoyun.

"It's impossible to surprise Seo Hoyun with a party. Because as soon as he arrives, he'll ask, 'Where's my cake?'"

[You're so accurate with the character]


"But isn't that what makes it like Mission Impossible, everyone?"

Challenging the impossible.

Kang Ichae burst into confident laughter.

As the movie BGM raced towards the highlight and the hour hand pointed to zero seconds,

"Mission Accepted!"

Seo Hoyun's surprise party began.




"-Where's my cake?"

Ask by Seo Hoyun as soon as the date became January 30th as if he was being chased away, opened the door to the hotel visit assigned to Jung Dajun, Sung Jiwon, and Kim Seonghyun

There, Jung Dajun was holding a cake with a bear's ear on a hat with stars drawn on it and Sung Jiwon was wearing blue glasses with a cake in both hands and a blue hammer with sparkling stars hanging around his neck, and Kim Seonghyun was standing still with a match in his hand, wearing a half-removed hat around his neck.

-Why, why, why are you here already?!

-Why? Can't hyung come?

"As expected...."

[Damn, Seo Hoyun never misses a beat and asks the same question]

[Kang Ichae is so accurate with his character analysis, its giving me goosebumps]

While the chilling Noeuls were raising their voices in the comments, Kang Ichae observed the situation with sharp eyes.

First of all, the setting of not being aware of the birthday was unrealistic.

Except for the period of preparation and activities for Second Chance and the time when Kim Sn suffered during Shining Star Season 1, they always celebrated each other's birthdays. It was also good content for building a strong relationship among the members and with the fans.

So, the setting of this Mission Impossible was like that.

A birthday party that got busted.

- How did you know? Wait, why are you already here?!

Seo Hoyun casually sat down on a single sofa, passing by a wide-eyed Jung Dajun.

- Is there any way you wouldn't know?

There's no way.

Seo Hoyun had already known since then.

When Jeong Dajun asked if he could take his phone to prevent him from seeing  V-app, when he deliberately pulled him out of the room to prepare for the party, Seo Hoyun obediently followed along.

He had already been sure.

"- So, where did Kang Ichae go?"

["Look at that, look at that."]

Kang I-chae was up to something.

["he's already looking for cameras."]

[Goosebumps all over the arm]

[Wow, this is so thrilling..]

he was indeed a formidable opponent.

As Seo Hoyun's eyes scanned the room from top to bottom, the natural acting of Jeong Dajun, Sung Jiwon, and Kim Seonghyun unfolded.

"- Ichae is downstairs buying drinks... It's a shame we got caught."

"-Hey, how did you really...."

The Noeuls, who were watching the video, noticed something unexpected.

[Huh, why is Seonghyun so good at acting?]

Aside from the fact that he shines when dancing on stage, the Noeuls also know very well that Kim Seonghyun was a talented actor in their own produced content.

In response to the repeated questions from the Noeuls, Kang Ichae smirked with a relaxed expression.

"Seonghyun hyung doesn't know anything."


That's right.

Kang Ichae couldn't bring herself to tell Kim Seonghyun to act. No matter how hard he tried, Seo Hoyun would definitely figure it out like a ghost.

So he came up with one way to handle Kim Seonghyun.

"I bet he thinks he really failed by now."

Even Kim Seonghyun was deceived.

[Hahaha, Kang Ichae is really crazy, isn't he? Hahaha]


Not only the comment section of V-app, but also the people who were chatting in real-time on social media were turned upside down.

Of course, there were no comments saying it was too much.

[Hahaha, oh Seonghyun, I really love you hahaha]

The fans of Kim Seonghyun were the ones laughing the most.

"- Can't you at least pretend to be fooled? It's really disappointing..."

"- Are you sorry, hyung?"

"- Annoying."

Every time innocent Kim Seonghyun genuinely expressed his disappointment and grumbled, the chat was filled with laughter.

Kang Ichae carefully observed the situation and put on his earphones. The earphones were connected to a device he prepared to communicate with Seong Jiwon and Jung Dajun separately and inform them how to act according to the situation.

Jung Dajun wearing an animal ear hat and Sung Jiwon wrapping a flashy scarf around his neck were to cover the devices in their ears.

"Let's go in, maknae"

Just as Seo Hoyun, who had found even the fake cameras, was about to say a proper greeting and end the situation, Jung Dajun moved on to the next stage.

"- Ah, what is this..."

Jung Dajun puffed up his cheeks, pursed his lips, and made the expression he often made when he was sulking, as he put the cake on the table and muttered.

"-Hyung, but shouldn't you have pretended to be fooled?"

Phase 2 was underway.

"The feeling hurt" operation.

"-We worked hard for hours, and even though I didn't think you would be easily fooled... you could have at least pretended."

[Jung Dajun's acting is amazing]

[Even Sung Jiwon subtly looks like he's watching]

In reality, Jung Dajun, who is emotionally expressive and sensitive, was still half acting and half sincere because even though the surprise birthday party had failed, he was slightly sulking.

"- Hyung, we went around buying the cake in this weather. How difficult it must have been..."

Overly immersed Jung Dajun delivered his scripted lines with a teary expression.

"- And you didn't even pretend"

Jung Dajun glanced at Seo Hoyun while discreetly checking his reaction. The atmosphere in the room also calmed down.

Seo Hoyun turned off the fake camera and turned his body to face Jung Dajun, looking at him.


And he said nothing.

[Wow, Hoyun really fell for it]

[Look at his expression;;]

As the fans cheered at the success of the surprise camera, Kang Ichae narrowed his eyes and stroked his chin with his hand.

"Is that it?"

Kang Ichae knew that Seo Hoyun was not an easy opponent.

Observing Seo Hoyun recently, Kang Ichae carefully crafted lines that would shake him, and Jeong Dajun practiced delivering those lines.

Finally, when Jung Dajun's eyes turned red, Seo Hoyun sighed and ran his hand through his hair.


Seizing the perfect timing, Jung Dajun delivered his planned final line.

["I really... don't like it when you're like this."]

Jung Dajun, who might have received admiration from Min Jiheon if he had seen it, tightly closed his eyes and bowed his head.

Seo Hoyun quietly watched his actions.

And then, he calmly blurted out.

"Do you really hate it?"
