Chapter 169

"Shining Star Episode 5 has aired."

"Wow, Shas seems to be insanely popular; all my friends are voting right now haha."

"Wait, same here... my friend asked me to vote for StarStar too haha. Could this be... 'influence'? Salivating

└Oh please, look at the hardcore fans getting excited haha."

With well-known cast members, clean editing, intriguing narratives, and high-quality performances, Shining Star Season 2 garnered even more popularity than Season 1.

As the final stage approached, fans were in a frenzy, but amidst the anticipation, there was a mix of lighthearted enjoyment and serious competition among the groups preparing for the last performance.

"I really like Seo Hoyun."

"Why didn't I know about this earlier? I should've watched when my friends were watching too. Damn it."

Of course, for viewers who casually enjoyed the program, none of this mattered.

"Episode 5 is starting!"

The focus of the episode was on each group's preparation for the final competition. They engaged in playful banter, intense discussions, and serious practice sessions.

Intermittently, interviews were conducted, and Seo Hoyun was among the participants.

"Wow, Seo Hoyun's interview."

However, it passed by quickly.

While others shared jokes and expressed their desire for good results, Seo Hoyun's impact was minimal compared to others who took up more screen time.

"I've never seen Seo Hoyun speak like that before."

"Is this serious...?"

However, fans who had been following Seo Hoyun through various self-produced content and events were surprised. They knew that she was someone who often hid his struggles behind a calm facade.

"Hey, Seo Hoyun is desperately asking for it, please let her win first place."

"Please vote, please. Please."

"I feel sorry for the other groups... Ah... I'm sorry, guys... !!!"

As discussions about Seo Hoyun's interview stirred among the fans, one fan instinctively refreshed their social media feed, and then...




They were greeted with hundreds of posts.


[Traffic Accident] [Black Box] [Hoyun Accident] [More on Seo Hoyun] [Shining Star]

Initially, "traffic accident" trended, but soon after, Seo Hoyun's name flooded the feeds.

"What's this about?;;"

It all started with one YouTube video.

It was a black box footage showing a car being hit by a truck, causing it to overturn. The collision left one side of the car severely damaged.

It was a horrific and tragic, yet not uncommon, traffic accident.

However, what truly shook everyone was the title of the video.

Everyone who watched the video couldn't believe it.

Understandably so, there was no direct evidence other than the title; the person wasn't even shown in the video.

"Oh, damn, they're stirring up drama just before the final episode."

"We're all reporting it... YouTube's real-time trending is messed up... Please report every time you see it."

"Do they really want this? Damn it, these bastards will do anything for attention."

Coincidentally, an article from four years ago resurfaced.

"[Breaking News] XX's Crash... 3 Dead/1 Injured. On December 18th, at around 4:21 PM, at the intersection of XX in OO District, a truck collided with a sedan.

One truck driver and a couple in their 40s in the sedan died, and their child in their 20s was injured.

According to police, it appears to be a case of drowsy driving, and the investigation is ongoing..."

Though brief and lacking in detail, the timing of the article alongside the black box video fueled speculation among people.

"What's this article about?"

"Is it true that Seo Hoyun had an accident?"

As suspicions grew among the public that the owner of the video might indeed be Seo Hoyun, The Dawn's fandom fell into confusion.

"He doesn't usually wear short sleeves, right? He wears long sleeves or covers up with concealer when His on stage."

"Could that be it's? A scar from the accident?"

"I heard there were eyewitness accounts of him receiving treatment for scars."

Even fans who had tried to dismiss it as mere drama found themselves wavering.

The peak of this controversy, which burned like dry firewood, came when a photo was posted.

A low-quality, clearly surreptitiously taken picture of a traffic accident confirmation form was briefly posted in the early hours of the morning, only to be deleted in less than 10 minutes.

But it was enough time for people to capture it.

The photo quickly spread.

The date, place, and time written on the document all matched the news articles.

More than anything, Seo Hoyun's name was boldly written under the victim section.

It was already too late.

Too late for the company to respond, too late for the fandom to hush it up.

Countless entertainment news articles popped up.

"[Comprehensive] The Dawn's Hoyun, Black Box Video of Traffic Accident from 4 Years Ago Leaked" "Seo Hoyun's Traffic Accident, Was the One-Year Hiatus Due to Trauma from Losing His Parents?"

To think that a member of one of the hottest idol groups had actually lost his parents in a traffic accident and was the sole survivor on the scene. It was a dramatic story that naturally drew the public's attention.

Everyone speculated about Seo Hoyun's one-year hiatus since The Dawn's debut. Some sympathized, while others jumped at the chance to dig into even the slightest hint of vulnerability.

"It's so sad that he suffered such a big loss when he was young... May the deceased rest in peace."

"This is really shocking;; If it's this bad, he might have a mental illness."

"Please stop this... Seriously, stop pretending to know everything and stop contacting him Just leave Hoyun alone, please."

"WowㅋㅋㅋㅋThe agency is really good at thisㅋㅋㅋㅋThey're exploding it just before the last episodeㅋㅋㅋㅋ"

"Does he want to sell his parents to win first place? Disgusting."

"I support himㅠㅠ I felt like he was a friend who didn't show a single hint on the showㅠㅠ Maybe that's why he took a year-long break after debut.. Even people take medication for minor accidents, he must have a mental illnessㅠ"

All sorts of posts aimed at prey flooded in.

Articles, videos, anonymous messages.

A few hours later, it was perhaps inevitable that a clip of Seo Hoyun's latest interview from the latest episode of Shining Star would hit the top spot on YouTube's trending list.

"Seo Hoyun Shas Episode 5 Interview Clip"

What had been brushed off lightly during the original broadcast was now being scrutinized once again.

Q. Why do you work so hard?

With a cool smile to the camera, Seo Hoyoon answered calmly.

"I have to work hard."

And that was all he said.

The interview segment that shook gossip-hungry South Korea lasted only 15 seconds.


Final competition venue.

Outside, the audience, full of expectations, awaited eagerly, while inside, rehearsals were in full swing.

"I'm a bit tired."

I couldn't remember the last time I had slept for a few days. I was so immersed in practice.

Ignoring Jung Dajun, who was watching me closely, and brushing off the worries of Sung Jiwon and Kim Sunghyun as insignificant, I was vaguely aware that Kang Ichae tried to hold me back... but I quickly erased it from my memory.


Night fell, and dawn seemed to have lost, only for the morning to arrive again. I think I ate something... but...

"Hyung, I'm sorry."

I had fallen asleep briefly at the dormitory during practice, and I had become calm when Jung Dajun woke me up, crying loudly.

"I'm really sorry...."

Kim Sunghyun, who had stirred Jung Dajun next to me, spoke with a sheepish expression.

"I've told the company and we're doing our best to prevent leaks."



"Seo Hoyun, are you really going to go on stage in this condition?"

I nodded.

In truth, after sorting out how to proceed and contacting Kim Jaeyeon, I had turned off my phone altogether. There were too many unnecessary calls coming in.

However, I didn't forget to leave a text message to Seo Hojin just in case he worried.

[Me: Seo Hojin]

[Me: Are you okay?]

I later found out, after turning on my phone, that Seo Hojin had immediately called me back. There were also several texts confirming that he wasn't hurt.

Perhaps because I felt guilty for my own actions, I hesitated several times before deciding to contact Seo Hojin later.

The most fortunate thing about this incident was that Seo Hojin wasn't in the car during the accident, so his identity wasn't revealed.

Originally, Seo Hojin and I didn't really resemble each other. When we were together, people could tell we were brothers by the atmosphere we exuded, but when we were apart, I didn't really notice that people thought we looked alike.

There wasn't anything about our sibling relationship in my profile, and apart from the members, no one knew that he was my brother, so as long as I was careful, there shouldn't be any major issues.

And so, we arrived at the final competition venue.

"Time flies."

After finishing the final rehearsal lightly, I found a quiet place away from the worried or sharp glances of the members and staff, drinking water, when Kim Heeyoung walked up to me somehow knowing where to find me.

"Seo Hoyoon."

"Oh, PD-nim."

I reflexively smiled, but Kim Heeyoung stared at me expressionlessly.

Just when I thought she might be aiming for a moment when there were no members or staff around, Kim Heeyoung looked around once before speaking.



"The current situation. This wasn't something Seo Hoyun did, right?"

She was tense, but she had come to me for an answer.

"Why did you ask to change the interview?"

When I called her, Kim Heeyoung was editing the content for episode 5.

As soon as I met her, I complained about the ratings and suggested increasing the portion of Jung Dajun's interview to smoothly connect with his stage from episode 4, even if it meant redistributing some of my interview time to other lower-ranking group members.


Kim Heeyoung raised an eyebrow, as if trying to read my hidden intentions.

"Because of Jung Dajun."

I casually added that it was just a suggestion and that I would follow all her decisions naturally.


When persuading someone, it was necessary to deliver only opinions and then quietly step back. It had to be said smoothly, as if the other person was in a higher position and had the decision-making power.

If it felt awkward even for a moment, there would be backlash.

"...Well, I'll think about it."

After contemplating for a while, Kim Heeyoung nodded, apparently judging that it was reasonable to some extent. Her expression was subtle, but...

Ultimately, my portion was heavily edited, and the interview turned out to be more urgent than I expected.

I was quite satisfied.


However, Kim Heeyoung, who didn't know these facts, doubted me but seemed perplexed.

At the same time, she seemed to think it was ridiculous unless someone was insane to believe it.

"Even PD-nim is like this?"

I deliberately lowered my gaze and spoke in a tired voice. Kim Heeyoung's shoulders trembled slightly, and she sighed, patting her dry face.

"Yeah, I must be crazy."


"I'm sorry. I know Seo Hoyun must be going through a tough time right now."

She brushed her hair back, looking very tired.

"...I'm sorry about your family matters, too."

All I could do was smile in response.

Kim Heeyoung apologized again before hurriedly leaving at the call of a staff member.

I returned to the waiting room.

Soon, the final live performance began. After Versi and Try's stage, TEW's performance appeared on the monitoring TV.

[불타올라 이 순간 Spark in your eyes]

The song and dance itself were not bad.

The subtitle inflated their chances of winning to first place, but TEW, stuck at third place, was almost certain.

All members silently fixed their eyes on the screen, and the staff signaled that it was time for them to go out.

"The Dawn, standby, please!!"

The staff's gaze briefly passed over me.

I got up and silently followed the members as they headed out.

As we reached the backstage area outside the waiting room, we could feel the heat of the venue.

"Seo Hoyun, I'll take care of the in-ears for you."


Standing there, handing over my body for the final checks, I noticed Kim Heeyoung and made eye contact with her from afar.

She seemed to have something to say, pursing her lips a few times before avoiding my gaze first.

I just remained expressionless and recited the lyrics in my head.


At that moment, Sung Jiwon called me.

"Can you go up?"

I turned my head, and Sung Jiwon's warm gaze met mine.

I looked around. Most of the eyes that had been fixed on me quickly averted their gaze. Most of them were filled with anxiety and caution, probably worried about whether I would cause another broadcast accident.

"…Sung Jiwon."

Can I go up on stage?

Of course, I can.

Despite being tired from the continuous all-nighters, my mind was clearer than ever.

So, I was confident.

"What are you saying?"

I smiled slightly.

"We should aim for first place."

As I smiled, Sung Jiwon's eyes widened slightly, then he drew a smile on his lips.


Though it seemed forced.

"Let's go, The Dawn!"

Following the staff's instructions, I stepped on the blue tape.

Before Kim Sung Hyun went to his position, he lightly tapped my shoulder.

"Let's go up."

I nodded slightly and stepped onto the lift.


The cheers grew louder and closer.

But my mind gradually cooled down.

'Kim Heeyoung, suspicious as always.'

Well, even a little thought would reveal some doubts.

It would be difficult for others to obtain things like the black box footage or the traffic accident confirmation document.

Moreover, considering the sudden proposal for editing and its timing, it was reasonable to have such suspicions.

Fair and just Kim Heeyoung. Conscientious Kim Heeyoung. Seemingly tough but subtly tender and limited Kim Heeyoung.

That was the biggest reason I liked her, but on the other hand, it was also her weakness.

The reason she accepted my proposal was obvious.

Since I was relatively prominent, she would want to include even a scene from a lower-ranking group to help build their recognition later.

I remembered Kim Heeyoung, who used to feel so sorry and lost when I even slightly expressed weakness after Season 1.

I clenched my fist.

"There's no need to apologize."



Who would dare to touch the guy who was almost slapped?


As the lift went up, the bright blue lights pierced through me.

I tightened my lips, deliberately forming a faint smile.

'That's what I did.'

Now it was time to wrap things up.
