Chapter 170


The cheers gradually faded into the distance, and before I could even adjust to the light, the lights that were shining on me disappeared.


At that moment, the sound of rough waves crashing was heard.

Thunk, thunk...

Simultaneously, a VCR started playing.

[How did I come so far?]

Following that, Kang Ichae's husky and low voice began narrating.

It was a famous SF movie quote adapted from a novel.

[Everyone asked us, wondering if we had something.]


On the VCR, there were close-up shots of members wearing the same outfits as on stage. Slightly different details, but they all wore black spandex T-shirts with harnesses crossing their shoulders and chests, connected by buckles.

[Then we told them, we never saved anything for the swim back.]

I looked down at the floor and wiped my lips once.

The tight black turtleneck was a bit uncomfortable.

To avoid hindering the intense dance along with the song, this costume was chosen as techwear with minimal decoration.

I requested a half-sleeve, showing the faint scars.

[Some laughed, some worried, telling us there is definitely limit.]

The short, choppy violin sound echoed. The low range of the alternative rock genre was gradually intensifying.

I recalled the pre-memorized route in my mind.

At the moment I heard the predetermined signal of the violin's pluck, I moved.

Walking straight ahead, then five steps to the right...

[But they do not know one thing.]

-Then back two steps forward.

As the waves in the VCR grew stronger, they filled the screen.


Lightning struck down, and on a dark night, a single star appeared above the sea.

I walked slowly in the darkness.

Standing behind the backup dancers who were already prepared, I wiped my eyes briefly.

And finally, following Kang Ichae's words, I recited:

[There's no gene for fate.]

Clang, clangclang!

Isn't this phrase just right for the moment?

As lightning struck the sea and fierce thunder rumbled, the sound of raging waves shook the stage, making the backup dancers also jump as if they were waves.

Right on cue, the title of the song appeared on the screen.


This song, composed with inspiration from a movie that suggested humans might have once been part of stars, suited the title perfectly.


As the piercing lights shone on me, the backup dancers split apart, and the camera quickly approached from the center to my side.

[Black waves crash over me, heart pounding fiercely. Am I suffocating?]


Strangely, the surrounding sounds were buzzing, and even my own voice didn't seem to be heard well.

As if I were underwater.

[I'm out of breath, afraid of drowning. Are we on the end?]

Suddenly, I remembered how much Kang Ichae disliked giving me these lyrics.

I hadn't thought about it.

But recalling that time made a slight smile creep onto my lips.

[What are you talking about?]

Along with that, a strange sensation engulfed me.

After days of practicing relentlessly, my whole body felt feverish, slightly dizzy, and my voice, worn out from endless rehearsals, sounded rough.

Yet, I knew.

[Hear this Thunder!]

This would be the best stage I've ever had.


As I swung my arms vigorously, white lightning flashed in the VCR behind me, followed by thunder.

At that moment, my ears popped, and sounds flooded in.

[Fire burning in the heart, I will risk it all from the beginning. The point of no return]

I felt small shivers running down my spine at the powerful voice of Kim Seonghyun that I hadn't heard before.

At the forefront, Jung Dajun was fiercely leaping without fear.

[Hear the thunder in my heart, We're not drifting, we're leaping. We never saved anything to go back, for the first time]

Feeling the sticky sweat flowing, as I turned back, Kang Ichae, with a calm expression, lifted the light on his back and stepped forward.

[Whatever you call this moment, Riot, Fate, Stardust, I don't care, the outcome is already decided]

It was fascinating to see him, who seemed to believe only in justice and himself, rap such lyrics with that expression.

Beside me, Sung Jiwon, who had been waiting for his part, glanced at me once and then walked confidently forward.

[Stardust, Stars embroidered in the night sea]

As Sung Jiwon's clear voice echoed in high notes, the stage effects also exploded splendidly.

[For this moment, we've crossed the darkness]



Kwa-gwong! Bang!

For the staging of lightning striking the waves, the stage shone brilliantly as if it would burn everything, then repeatedly went dark.

[We are becoming Stardust]

The scattering lights blinded me. We didn't stop dancing, but my eyelashes trembled.

If the audience, the fans, and maybe even my younger sibling were watching this performance right now...

[We risked it all, moving forward without fear. We never saved anything to go back]

I snapped back to reality.

So, while biting my cheek, I smiled confidently outwardly.

[We're not lost, we're moving forward. We never saved anything to go back, for the first time]

As the members slowly gathered in the center, screams echoed in my ears.



Locking eyes with each other, we slowly headed towards the staircase set up behind.


From the sky, white petals of pollen fluttered down.

[Towards the light]

The song was rushing towards its end.

[All the way to the end, even if we don't know what lies ahead]

I wiped my forehead, brushing away the sweat-soaked strands of hair.

One by one, the members took their seats on the stairs according to their positions.

After climbing alone to the top, I spun around and flicked my finger towards the camera.

Amidst the deafening cheers unlike any other stage, I felt exhilarated and twisted the corners of my mouth.

Yes, didn't I say it myself?

[We are becoming stardust]

This would be my best stage ever.





"Phew, huff..."

As the stage ended, I was out of breath.

My hands trembled, and I felt like I couldn't control myself. As the lights went out and darkness enveloped me, I could hear the audience's applause through my in-ears.

My heart pounded as if it would leap out of my mouth. Making my way backstage to calm down, every staff member had something to say.

"Wow! That stage earlier was insane!"

"I got goosebumps, seriously. It would've been even better if I saw it up close!"

"Seo Hoyun, were you flying on stage for real?!"

Ignoring the members waving towels at me, I grabbed one staff member's arm and asked,

"Has the voting ended?"


"The voting."

The staff seemed slightly taken aback but explained the situation.

Amidst the noisy atmosphere, I missed some words, but I could infer the gist.

The deadline is in thirty minutes, and the interim results will be a high-five and a warning light.

"Thank you."

I bowed my head in gratitude and approached the members.


While lively on stage, Jung Dajun, wiping sweat and not saying a word, looked into my eyes.

"Take a break, Jung Dajun."

My head may have been cool, but my emotions were raging, making me feel weightless.

'Up to second place is certain.'

But what we needed was first place.

How much had my strategy paid off? How much had the interest and votes of the general public influenced? That was the key.

"Seo Hoyun, drink some water."

"Yeah, thanks."

[Voting is now closed!]

Back in the dressing room, we waited for the results. Silence prevailed among the members.

Even after the voting was closed, as some time passed, a staff member's voice echoed.

"The DAWN, it's your turn to go up!"


"The DAWN, it's your turn to go up!"

"Got it."

As we slowly ascended back onto the stage, fans of each group waved their cheering sticks and shouted their support.

Knowing that I wouldn't be visibly excited, Kim Seonghyun and Sung Jiwon stood in front of me, slightly obscuring my view.

"Now, let's announce the results!"

I wasn't as nervous as I thought I'd be.

"In 5th place, Versi!"

The group names appeared first on the screen behind the stage, followed by the voice of the MC, Ha Seoyeon.

"In 3rd place, TEW!!"

Applause followed, leaving only two groups remaining: High Five and The DAWN.

As Jung Dajun pressed close to my side, I felt his presence.

"Now, only 1st and 2nd place are left. Before announcing the results, let me first tell you the total scores of both groups."

Along with MC Ha Seoyeon's smooth smile, tension-inducing background music played in the live hall.

"The total score for 2nd place is 29,200 points. And this time, receiving 12,590 votes during the live, the 1st place with a total score of 30,430 points is-!!"

For a moment, amidst the chaotic scattering of lights, I felt them focus on me.



"--The DAWN!!"

Colorful confetti burst out, and pollen fluttered down.

An overwhelming cheer erupted, making my ears feel muffled.

A shiver ran down my spine, reaching the tips of my hair.

The exhilarating sensation mixed with overwhelming relief.


The point difference we couldn't overcome until the end.

1st place we barely secured by sacrificing everything.

'It's done.'

After all the struggle, I achieved what I wanted, even if it was by a narrow margin.


Though my face was facing forward, my hand clenched and unclenched repeatedly as if trying to grasp reality.

Pushing away the rebellious conscience creeping into my chest, I smiled brightly.

At that moment,

Ding [Quest □□!]

[You have completed the Shining Star Season 2 □□!]






[E R R O R]

[--Some of the player's confidential information has been leaked, unrelated to the game.]

[Compensation processing will be delayed.]


The system window appeared suddenly, indicating an error, then slowly displayed "Processing" with ellipses, showing no further response.

'Is it because I revealed my family secret first?'

Originally, a significant increase in vocal stats should have been rewarded as compensation.

Originally, a significant increase in vocal stats should have been rewarded as compensation.

"It's okay."

I had wanted to experiment with penalties anyway, so things didn't turn out too bad.

I decided to think about the details later as I brushed off the paper flowers stuck to my head.

Then, I approached the members.

"Kim Seonghyun, you -"

But I couldn't finish my sentence.

Suddenly, Jung Dajun, who was beside me, hugged me tightly and burst into tears.

"Hyung, Hu, Hwayoon hyung…"


Tears fell from his eyes like beads, as if straight out of a cartoon.

"Hyung, our Hwayoon… waaah…."

Though I had a vague idea of the reason, I simply hugged him back without saying anything.

"Grow up, Jung Dajun."

"But I…"

As Jung Dajun continued to cry, I couldn't help feeling slightly relieved, and I chuckled as I brought up what I had said after the first round of the Shining Star Season 2 competition.

"Remember when I promised to take you on a rollercoaster ride if we won first place?"

Upon hearing this, the youngest member started crying even harder, as if turning on a faucet from his eyes.

Feeling slightly flustered, but having no choice but to calm him down, I hugged him tighter. Sung Jiwon was also bowing his head and crying beside him, followed by Kim Seonghyun.

'Are they all crying?'

Just to be sure, I checked Kang Ichae, but he remained expressionless, staring straight ahead.

"Stop crying, enough."

As Jung Dajun calmed down a bit and sniffled, the High Five members approached and offered handshakes.

It was a customary gesture between winners and losers to be shown in front of the camera.

When Kang Yeonhoo, who had been somewhat teary-eyed, stood in front of me, he made a slightly strange expression before extending his hand.

"Seo Hoyun-ssi, well done."

I shook his hand.

"Thank you."

With a light reply, Kang Yeonhoo furrowed his eyebrows for a moment, then burst into laughter.

After the chaotic atmosphere settled down, it was time for the winner's remarks.

Seeing Kim Sunghyun, who was wiping away tears just like Jung Dajun, it seemed like he wouldn't even be able to speak properly, so I grabbed the mic first.


Today, the lights felt brighter than usual.

"I'm Seo Hoyun from The DAWN."

All eyes were on me, and I deliberately smiled confidently.

A position earned through sheer narrative.

It was time to convey the remarks everyone wanted to hear, the ones that met their expectations.


-Quoting a part of the movie Gattaca (1997. 10. 24.)."