Chapter 177

[Title: Review after a Year and a Half of 'The Dawn']

Haha, I never thought I'd write something like this.

Anyway, after the end of Shining Star, there seems to be a lot of buzz, so I thought I'd write a review.

It's been a year and a half since The Dawn started, but I'm not even sure if I can call it The Dawn... Anyway, a heads-up before you read:

* They have a ton of crazy fans around them.

Now that's out of the way, let's dive in.

Lately, The Dawn seems to be promoting themselves with smooth sailing and fun, but it's not a scam. They seem genuinely nice.

Their fans are overflowing with enthusiasm, but they also seem to follow the rules well.

However, there's a lot of controversy surrounding them.

If you can't stand it or don't want to deal with the drama, it's best to just hit the backspace and leave.

* There will be mentions/comparisons with other groups (like BRK, TKD, etc.). If it makes you uncomfortable, feel free to leave.

If you're okay with it, keep scrolling.

The members themselves work really hard, but their first album was a huge flop despite their efforts, probably due to the age gap and debuting, but they treat their fans really well.

Honestly, it started as a business, but over the past year and a half, they seem to have become quite close.

1. Sung Jiwon (24) Vocalist

The future of K-pop vocals, following in the footsteps of Black Call's Jungwoo.

He used to be a long-term trainee at D.go, but now he's the center position, and he's apparently fallen from grace.. Well, if you see his face, you'll know, and he's also a good dancer.

But his vocals are really;; Damn, even now, it's unbelievable, but comparing him to a year ago, his growth rate is insane. He's definitely the top in terms of skill right now.

Personality?? If Sung Jiwon's kindness is fake, then there's a saying that if you doubt humanity anymore. At first, I thought, "Oh, he's so fake," but if this kid is pretending, it's better to just wipe out half the planet... His kindness is different from being stupidly kind.

(But this might be limited to the members or staff... I don't know, I'm not sure if Sung Jiwon is my type either.)

At first, he wasn't like this, he was a bit mentally soft, but lately, he's become so confident, he's the boss of The Dawn.

2. Kim Seonghyun (24) Leader, Dancer

The solid Shining Star member 1.

There are probably a lot of people who have recently become fans after watching the Kiln Direct cams, and they're probably surprised by his personality when they see him on the radio or V Live. I thought he was indifferent to his surroundings from his face, but he's quite gentle and delicate, and he's not fake.

Maybe it's because he's been through a lot, but when there's controversy, he just stays quiet, but if something good happens or something happens to the members, he's known for crying.

I've heard he has a lot of younger siblings... He's being led around by the members a lotㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ It's cute that he's easily fooled and can't act.

If Sung Jiwon is following in the footsteps of Black Call's  Jungwoo, then Kim Seonghyun is like the Joo Woo Sung line.. Kim Seonghyun is a bit more power-oriented, but if I say this, the Black Call fandom will go crazy again, right? Haha~

3. Jung Dajun (20) Maknae, Sub-Dancer

Put everything aside, he's just too cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Did my pick get exposed? Damn.

The youngest member who grew up without any flaws.. Rich in emotional expression and honesty.

He's talented in dancing, but his other skills are just average...

...or so those who think that haven't watched The Dawn's unit competition!!!!!

This guy is seriously the real deal.

No rebuttals accepted, I won't even accept Seo Hoyun's fan X's eye-catching photocards, Jung Dajun is the real deal.

I'm honestly looking forward to itㅋㅋㅋ I thought young ones were weaklings, but Jung Dajun's career at this age... I'm really excited to see what he'll do in the future.

The other four seem to really adore him, especially Seo Hoyun, who treats him like a younger brother despite the ten-year age differenceㅋㅋ

Oh, I have a lot to say about Jung Dajun, but for now, he's the epitome of variety show certainty.

To those who badmouth Jung Dajun, come out... Let's have it out.

4. Kang Ichae (22) Rapper

Surprisingly, the cleanest among The Dawn.

ㅋㅋㅋㅋ Even I was surprised.. When I saw his flashy first impression, I thought he must be one of those popular members who drinks and smokes, but guess what?? He's not.

Even that Sung Jiwon, who has controversy because of his previous agency... Kang Ichae doesn't have any. He's just clean...

Kang Ichae... There's not a single person among the idols he hangs out with. No rumors whatsoever.

You occasionally see him, but he's always with the members.. He gets along well with Jung Dajun.

(If we're going to talk about fans, occasionally there are crazy fans of Kang Ichae badmouthing other members.. Other members always ride Kang Ichae's producing bus.)

Contrary to his face, he's just a young man who only does composing and writing songs.. He's really good at negotiating with the members and he's a legend, but when he raps, he's insane.

I thought he was just talented, but seeing him constantly in the recording studio during Shars Season 2 or B app, he seems to be a hard worker in a subtle way...

5. Seo Hoyun (24) Sub-Vocal

The epitome of Shining Star Muggle Pick 222

Honestly, I wrote this post to talk about Seo Hoyun, and there's no problem with that, right?

What's the use of talking?

He's really an amazing character.. This guy is the epitome of the fieriness of K-pop these days.

He's good at singing and acting, definitely decent, but his dancing...

Well, honestly, he has improved a lot, but objectively speaking, he's just average, but strangely, whatever he does, he's confident in his performance; I don't know if it's his unique confidence or if he's just enchanted by the atmosphere..

Even fans of other groups acknowledge his innocent charm... I thought he looked like a pretty boy just by his face, but his strong personality that everyone knows is really captivating..

Everyone was worried that Seo Hoyun would run out of steam and drop out like that when he first started outㅋㅋ A year later, he's like, "Hey, did you guys worry about me?" He's reached the level of sudden enlightenment with his steel mentality.

He reached the pinnacle of his fierceness with that legendary second chance Japanese fancam.!v=THe-DAwN_JP_SEoHOwhOw!

And the legendary Shining Star Season 2 Final Stardust fancam...

This is something that I watched on TV and my jaw just dropped.

That stage, combined with the situation/narrative at the time, was like a divine performance... The eyes were sparkling, and it still blows my mind...

At first, there were a lot of people criticizing them for seeming too business-like with the members, but it seems like it's gotten better these days?

They never show that they're going through a tough time and they treat their fans horribly well. They don't seem like the type to gain strength from their fans, but they seem to try to give back in some way. It's intriguing.

I thought they were the type to stir up trouble with Joo Woo sung and build camaraderie, but so far, they've only been close with Joo Woo sung in other groups... (Well, Joo Woo-sung is also famous for drawing lines.)

Having no friends is the virtue of an idol, after all.

I've written a lot, but anyway, support The Dawn a lot.

Since the influx of fans from Shining Star, they're actually a pretty decent idol group, excluding the crazy fans around them. (At least they don't seem to have many friends other than the members, which is good^^)

And that concludes my reflections on The Dawn after a year and a half.


* I decided to delete discussions related to Shining Star Season 2 later, as it seemed to be too sensitive of an issue.

The comments section went wild, haha.

Upon seeing this, some of The Dawn fans started spreading the link.

[If it's been a year and a half, isn't it just genuine fandom?]

[Haha, this is so funny]

[The period of joining the fandom lasts so long...]

However, there were also fans expressing their discomfort.

[You pretend to avoid talking about the crazy fans but don't delete the post entirely. What's up with that, haha?]

[What's with this storytelling about Shining Star? Are you happy to gain views by selling our idol's name?]

[Blocking is the answer... Don't leave comments, it's annoying...]

While there were mixed reactions, one thing was undeniable.

The Dawn has risen!

Until now, they were known as a "new world" for K-pop enthusiasts or for fans, but after Shining Star Season 2 ended, The Dawn received overwhelming support from the general public.

[What's this about the idol brand reputation ranking? Wow, amazing!]

[The influx is insane;;;;]

[Wow, looks like they made a lot of money from the surge]

During The Dawn's hiatus, fans were in a flurry of excitement.

This was due not only to various events during Shining Star Season 2 but also because of the greatly increased number of fans. Especially with the last issue involving Seo Hoyoon, The Dawn fans often felt heartache, but seeing their fandom rapidly grow every day made them proud again. Sometimes, it crushed their hope for the world.

While the fandom was in a frenzy, The Dawn returned from a two-week break and resumed their main activities.

And so, the reality show filming began.


In front of countless cameras, Jung Dajun was caught strolling leisurely, holding a suitcase in one hand and an Americano in the other.

"So, this is my new 'accommodation'..."

It was a new place, not the one The Dawn had entered a year ago.

Kang Ichae, who was already sitting on the terrace, responded to that remark.

"Not bad for a place where commoners live, huh?"

"Well, it's not bad as I thought. It's just a shame there's no fountain."

Even though the youngest members were babbling nonsense, the staff quietly went about their work as if they were used to it.

At that moment, as if he were the protagonist of a drama, Sung Ji-won suddenly appeared on the screen, clenching his fists.

"Let's go! Fighting!!"


"Jiwon, this is a new beginning from now on!"

Walking alongside him, Kim Seonghyun, with his hand in his pocket, looked at Sung Jiwon with a puzzled expression.

"Jiwon, what are you doing?"

"Seonghyun, do you want to play the role of the protagonist's friend? The instigator."


Along with Kim Seonghyun's sigh, the sound of pulling the suitcase was heard.


And then, a hand gently rose to Kim Seonghyun's shoulder, pulling him back.

"Hey, little one."

With his arm still around Kim Seong-hyun's shoulder, Seo Ho-yoon leaned against him and smiled brightly.

"Did you wait for me, hyung?"



After the appearance of the chaebol, it was time for the sub-couple to emerge.


However, Kim Seonghyun, who had no idea about this flow, jumped around, feeling flustered and embarrassed. Of course, Seo Hoyun, who had nerves of steel, was completely fine.

Having gone through counseling several times, getting enough sleep, and even contacting Seo Hojin in the morning, Seo Hoyun was in better condition than ever.

"It's ridiculous..."

"Calling Hoyun 'baby' by hyung vs Seonghyun calling hyung 'baby'."

"Obviously the latter."

Jung Dajun and Kang Ichae, who were sincerely amused, looked at Seo Hoyun with very wounded pride, but Seo Hoyun was too busy greeting the staff to notice.

"I guess I've earned some money."

The layout of the house was clearly different from the previous one.

There were four rooms, one of which had a terrace. The interior design was much more luxurious than before.

"Wow, they have a dart board here?"

"The terrace! This is amazing!"

The dart board was undoubtedly for broadcasting purposes.

Leaving the guys who were jumping around excitedly alone, I sneaked over to the planning team.

After skimming through the proposal, I learned that roommate selection was scheduled, and Seo Hoyun wanted to use a single room if possible.

"The time has come..."

"It has."

Seo Hoyun roughly touched his forehead.

This reality show filming was a significant opportunity for The Dawn, or more precisely, for Seo Hoyun and Lee Jihyeon as well.

Having overcome burnout and lethargy, Seo Hoyun was filled with ambition.

With his recent promotion to assistant manager, he was eagerly eyeing to swallow up the Big Bang Planning Team within the next two years.

He couldn't stop here.

"Seo Hoyun-ssi this period is very important."

"Yes, I agree."

Seo Hoyun, who exposed his family background during Shining Star Season 2, inevitably acquired the image of a 'desperate idol who lost his parents but works hard.'

While it might bring some immediate benefits, from a long-term perspective, it had no merit.

Even a small misstep could result in a huge backlash.

"We already discussed this with the planning team several times."

A change in image was necessary.

If left as it is, he would be solidified into a good or meek image.

To create a new impression, a strong concept was needed.

"Do you know when Seo Hoyun-ssi shines the most?"

Seo Hoyun's gaze sharpened.

When he's shameless, when he's sly, when he's cheeky, when he's being stubborn, when he only takes care of his people.

Several thoughts crossed his mind, but there was only one answer.

Seo Hoyun slightly turned his head and raised one corner of his mouth.

"When he's being cunning?"

That was the correct answer.


That fan was so real for that lmao