Chapter 178

"I'll start filming!"


After the notification about the delayed settlement of rewards, no matter how many times I called up the system window, only [Processing—....] popped up.

Even if the server crashes, we have to respond within 24 hours.

It was annoying, but it wasn't urgent to argue with the system about rewards or penalties right now.

At this moment, I had a more urgent and desired small wish than that.

"Wow, are we finally changing roommates?"

That's right, getting a single room.

Contrary to what I expected, I thought I wouldn't mind sharing a room with others because I'm not picky. But I realized while living with Kang Ichae as my roommate.

he's quite sensitive.

'I never thought I'd have these thoughts.'

From catching a cold to spreading family affairs, everything came up.

It was evenly distributed.

Often when our eyes met, Kang Ichae, that stubborn bastard, looked at me with an expectant expression as if wondering what I would do next, but I had nothing to say.

His consistent attitude of 'So what? What are you going to do?' was starting to get on my nerves.

Since I didn't know how long I would have to endure if I missed this opportunity, I had to seize it.


While talking to Lee Jihyeon to divert his attention, I looked over the makeshift table set up for filming and saw papers scattered about roommate assignments.

It seemed like they decided to determine it through a ladder game.

There are three people who can use a single room.

Although the connecting lines were empty, as if members were supposed to draw them, the names of the top members and the results below were fixed.

I quickly memorized the order of the results. Since single rooms and shared rooms alternated, it wasn't bad.

"Well then. Shall we try a ladder game to decide on roommates? The rules are simple. Since the results are covered, just draw lines as you like on top of them as you go around with the marker."


Jeong Dajun was excited and ran out first, followed by the other members.

"Hey, it shows their personalities, shows their personalities."

"Dajun, is that a spider web?"

"How is it?! My contemporary art?!"

I arrived last and became the last in line, calculating the path as I followed the reverse direction from where the single room was drawn each time.

Then, as I yawned and casually drew a line in front of me, I made eye contact with Kang Ichae, who turned around.

"Hyung, what if you can't room with me now? Will you be disappointed?"

"Yeah, I'll be disappointed."



I chuckled and briskly approached the spot where the ladder game was set up, taking a look around.

There were tangled lines drawn by Jung Dajun, but it seemed like I could achieve my goal by touching just two places.

Snap, snap.

Just once at the very top, not the last, and once in the middle.

"Huh? Hyung, is this okay? Then what does it mean for me?"

"Once or twice should be enough."

I shrugged and returned to my seat, but Kang Ichae's determined gaze followed me.

He seemed displeased about something, furrowing his brows and then quickly straightening his lips.


That's what came to mind looking at that guy's face.

I quickly turned my head and asked another member.

"Okay, so now that everyone's done, shall we announce the results?"

But Kang Ichae wasn't going to stay still.

With a mischievous grin, he raised his hand.

"Ahaha! Before that, can Ichae draw just one more?"

"No, you can't."

"Let me draw just one heart~."

"It's already over."


"Hey, hey! Kang Ichae!"

It's not allowed!

As I was about to shout invalid, Jung Dajun, excitedly, tore off the result paper.

The camera staff came close to me as if mocking my failed attempt to stop him, and snapped a picture as my arm extended forward.

Jung Dajun hummed the horror movie BGM that played when the shark appeared, while connecting each member's name and the result with a red pen.

"Oh, I got a single room."

"Oh, me too."

As an only child, Jung Dajun didn't seem excited about having a room to himself, and Kim Seonghyeon seemed indifferent.

"Heh, hyung, you shouldn't feel lonely already."

"Go away."

As I gritted my teeth in frustration, Kang Ichae chuckled beside me.

"Oh, Hoyun! We're in the same room."


Fortunately, if there was any, Kang Ichae got the single room, and the new roommate was Sung Jiwon.

Suppressing a sigh that seemed to want to burst out immediately, I grabbed Kang Ichae by the collar as soon as the red light on the camera went out and the planning team said they would take over, and asked.

"How did you know that was the single room, you little brat? You didn't see the result paper."

"Oh, hyung. I didn't know. Who would figure out that complicated mess?"


Kang Ichae grinned, closing his eyes as if he found it amusing.

"I just somehow didn't like the idea of you being the hyung, so I drew one more line."


Indeed, Kang Ichae was a smart little troublemaker.

And quick to pick up on things.




[Wow, the teaser for the reality show is already out on YouTube]

As The Dawn adjusts to the new accommodation and Seo Hoyun n resigns himself to accepting his fate, the date for the exclusive concert, a bonus for winning Shining Star Season 2, and the airing date for the reality show were fast approaching.

[Wow, this is so exciting... imagining the cover reveal for the new song and the dance choreography being released]

[Can't you do something cute for once?ㅠㅠㅠ I really want to see Kang Ichae wearing a headband]

[Who will cry while reading letters at the concert? <- Kim Seonghyun

└Will Seo Hoyun  cry?

└Let's just aim for the next life]

While the reality show was exciting, fans were frantically refreshing the ticketing page for the first solo concert.

[Oh, damnㅋㅋㅋㅋ If they had announced it two months ago, how am I supposed to handle ticketing just a month later]

[What are you talking about? My ex-group announced it a month ago]

Despite consistent criticism of Daepaseong's management, the old-timers who had been with Daeun since before Seo Hoyun joined just smiled faintly.

[You guys still don't know Daepaseongㅎㅎ; If they weren't on tvK, they'd announce it two weeks earlier and start ticketing three days before]

[Ah, stop saying scary things]

[Damn it's true]

Thus, fans calmed their excited hearts while simultaneously opening the ticketing site and checking the time.

And as soon as the ticketing opened, fans calmly clicked their mice.


[Wait a minute]

The majority couldn't even proceed to payment and the screen froze, or '503 Service Unavailable' appeared, rendering the site unresponsive.

It felt like a three-second cut.

[Oh my god, I can't believe this is the end???????]


Quickly grabbing their phones, it was of no use.

As the disappointed Noeuls collapsed while clutching their necks, on the other hand, the triumphant Noeuls couldn't contain their wavering smiles.

In the midst of real-time winners and losers within the fandom, topics about the reality show surfaced on social media.

[I wonder what kind of content they'll show... I don't watch idol variety shows much so I don't know;;]

[Just going to trendy places.. Even just lying down, their faces are entertaining]

As for the reality show produced by The Dawn themselves on YouTube, they could add a lot of concepts from the first episode, but they couldn't do the same for the show airing on tvK.

So, Daepaseong's planning team decided to introduce The Dawn members in a way that would be easily accessible even to those unfamiliar with them.

Quickly, quickly~

Quickly, let's go~


Real Documentary Special.

[Haha, it's hilarious.]

It was an extravaganza.

After the intro music passed and the view of the dormitory appeared, Sung Jiwon's calm voice flowed as narration.

[A day in The Dawn has begun.]

Then, as the members passed by one by one, brief profiles were displayed in serif subtitles below.

Leader of the group, Ddox, Practice Machine, Original Cypher Rapper, Pup.

Sung Jiwon's questions followed.

[Q. How is your relationship with the members?

A. I really like my hyungs!

A. Ahaha, I'm satisfied too~.]

As the youngest members giggled and answered, scenes transitioned to Jung Dajun sliding on the floor of the new dormitory and covering Kim Seonghyun, and Kang Ichae complaining to Seo Hoyun

Bam bam bam!


[Hahaha, but the cut scenesㅋㅋㅋㅋ]

[Hahaha, these kids are always bickering with each otherㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ]

[Ah, I'm so lonely these days because I have my own room?]

[Don't come. Absolutely don't come.]

[Seo Hoyun was seriously eyeing his own room.... Kang Ichae's antics got to him...ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ]

It seems like it started with moving into the new dorm and a simple game, but as they delved deeper, the content was quite packed.

[Wow, when Kang Ichae was asked in the interview how much he earned from composing, he just said enough to eat decently

└He must have earned a lot... just by his modest confession...]

[Can you afford to raise elephants?!]

[(Laughing) Of course, about ten.]

While Noeuls were buzzing with excitement over Kang Ichae's style, he suddenly swept his hair back and poked Jung Dajun's cheek.

[But Jung Dajun eats that much?]

[...!! Th-that's not true!]

[Hahaha Jung Dajun's outrage]

[He's denying it like it's not true... Dajun-ah, you've been eating a lot lately....]

[Weren't you tall enough??]

Overall, it was funny and entertaining, but the highlight of Episode 1 was Seong Jiwon's calm yet crazy questions.

[Q. Is Jung Dajun a elephant?

A. ...!!

A. Ahahahahaㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ (falls down laughing)]

[Hey, they're crying because they're laughing so hardㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ]

As the members, who were relaxed and not paying attention, were taken aback by the question that popped out of nowhere, they couldn't help but burst into laughter and collapse.

Jung Dajun was busy being angry alone, and Kang Ichae missed the timing to respond because he was stuttering.

Taking advantage of that, the subtitles cleverly turned Jung Dajun into an elephant.

After that, the somewhat more composed members of The Dawn started a recreational game.

Seo Hoyun maintained a poker face and effortlessly dominated the recreational game while clapping rhythmically.

Clap, clap.

[Seo Hoyun]

[Bunny, bunny, bunny, bunny]

[[Carrot, carrot]]

When their names were called, even though the members ganged up to attack, Seo Hoyun remained incredibly relaxed and brushed it off.

[Wow, I didn't know about this recreational game.]

[He's so cute.. calling him Bunny Bunny...]

[Seo Hoyun... his rabbit obsession is serious.

└ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Ah, seriouslyㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ]

As the game progressed, the fans, who had been laughing and enjoying themselves, became increasingly bewildered.

[What is this guy?]

Well, that was because Seo Hoyun seemed to know every single game name, like the flow of consciousness.

Fans who couldn't even imagine that Seo Hoyun, a former variety show PD, had taught his classmates the game overnight just thought that rabbits were stubborn, because they didn't want to lose.

Moreover, he was shameless to the extent that he could be the second to none in the world.

[Shining Star Ribbon Boy, let's roll the dice.]

[Seo Hoyun aren't you really shameless?]

[Seonghyun-ssi, aren't you disappointed that you're not called Shining Star Abs Guy?]

Seohoyoon gestured as if brushing his neck with his hand and flicking his hair back, and then he took control of the world capitals in the Board Marble game.

As the tension heightened, members who insisted that certain territories were theirs appeared.

[Jiwon hyung! You said you'd give that to me!]

[When did I, Dajun?]


[Haha, when they were playing the Board Marble game, they were so stubborn that when they wanted to speak, they said "Aing, who's who is scary" in front of them.

Sung (Thumbs up): I have a question.

Jin (Thumbs up): Yes, go aheadㅎㅎ

Sung: Isn't this rule too advantageous for Seo Hoyun and Kang Ichae?

└ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Exposé]

[I'm sitting next to Khoi and Lee.

"Aing, Hoya, I'm scared. That's my territory, give me the money now."

"Don't mess with Ichaeㅠ"

└Seriously, it's like the Wild West....]

"Ichae, I'm sorryㅠ"

└Seriously, they're like the Yangtze and the Yellow Rivers combined....

Even though only the last 5 minutes of the 30-minute reality show remained, there wasn't a single moment without madness.

Fans felt a sense of pride and wrote their impressions on social media.

"Oh, it's much cuter and funnier than I thought... it's so healing,,,,"

"It has a subtle madness to it ahㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ"

They had a good start. If this level of quality is maintained, the new members of The Dawn will also settle in smoothly, and perhaps even more newcomers might join. Just as they were making that judgment,

[Preview for Episode 2]

The next preview began.

The camera slowly panned up from the bottom to capture a man getting out of a shining black sedan.

Dressed in a dark gray suit with a hint of blue, a white shirt, cufflinks peeking out from under the sleeves, a Patek Philippe watch snatched from an idol named Jumo, and a necktie with stripes crossing navy and purple.

Under neatly combed pomaded hair, there was a broad forehead and glasses resting on a prominent nose bridge.

As Seo Hoyun closed the driver's seat door, he wrinkled his nose, adjusted his glasses familiarly, and placed his phone on his shoulder.

[I think we have discussed this before.]

Seo Hoyun, who was acting with an air of importance, insisted that the hellish concept enthusiast, Lee Jihyeon, must speak in English in this scene.

Above the image of Seo Hoyun heading to the company while glancing at his watch, Jung Dajun's voice was overlaid.

"The ghost, Team Leader Seo, is here!"

Seo Hoyun, who didn't have anything particular to say, just spouted out any English words he could think of and moved.

"We have Dajun elephant in our company...."

But at that moment, the new members didn't hear a word Seohoyoon said.

They were just dizzy.


It was too overwhelming.

"Team Leader Seo!!!!!!!!!!!"

Seo Hoyun's side profile as he walked down the corridor was adorned with the logo.

A steady concept that always works in this situation.

An environment where Seo Hoyun is most suitable for legally grinding people.

[Part 2 - The Dawn Electronics]

The office version is back.
