Chapter 179

Excited fans of The Dawn eagerly awaited the next day to arrive.

However, among them were some office workers who remained stoic.

"I don't want to think about work, but I miss seeing Seongjiwon in a suit."

"Can I see Kim Seonghyun in a white shirt... sigh...."

"Ahㅋㅋㅋㅋ Where do you find people like that in real life... but still, this concept is so captivating."

They all liked the office concept, but they didn't have high expectations.

With the airing time set at 5:30 PM, it was an awkward time, and the office workers put aside overtime, night shifts, academy, work, and everything else to turn on the TV or pick up their phones.

"Hey, look at how roughly they added The Dawn Electronics CG on top of the tvK buildingㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ"

"Even though they couldn't collapse the building of Big Star due to their budget limitations..."


As the (supposed) building of The Dawn Electronics next to the blue sky appeared, captions slowly floated up.

[Part 2 - The Lives of Slaves (feat. Newcomers)]

"No way."

"No way, an idol?"

The screen changed, showing Inyeong standing at the entrance of the company.

Although everyone had speculated that Seohoyoon would be the protagonist based on the preview, it turned out to be Jung Dajun.

"Jung Dajun, a 2-month intern at the Strategic Planning Department

Specialty: Showed crazy talent and power positivity during the interview, unanimously passed."

With a clean employee ID proudly hanging around his neck and tightly holding the backpack's shoulder strap, Jung Dajun looked up at the company and nodded decisively.

"Let's fight and do well today! Jung Dajun!!"

With slight trembling hands due to nervousness, he swiped his company card and entered the building. Suddenly, he encountered Seongjiwon, who was smiling gently.

"Good morning, Mr. Jung Dajun."

"Ah!! Team Leader Seong!!"

Laughing lightly, Seongjiwon approached with elegant steps and helped Jung Dajun up after seeing him stumble and fall from nowhere. Then, he brushed off his clothes.

"Don't hurry."

"Ahaha, yes!"

"I just saw you at the interview the other day, but you already look like a company employee."

"Really?! Thank you so much!!"

"Excuse me, Team Leader, did you not see Dajun just fall?"

"Even in this situation, he doesn't have a single doubt."

"He passed the interview with power positivity, and it's true..."


"How are things these days?"

"Everyone is doing well!"

"Ahaha, even you, Team Leader Seo?"

Jung Dajun's complexion turned pale in an instant.

"Um, well... please do well. For now..."

"Is that so?"

"I'll try my best. For now..."


"It's quite scary though—."

With only instructions like 'Encounter Seong Jiwon on the way to work,' Jung Dajun, who intended to respond appropriately without a detailed script, gradually became engrossed in the situation and poured out his words in a monologue.

"—But still, even on busy days, you always make sure to take lunch breaks seriously, treat us to delicious meals every time... You may be the best at teasing and criticizing during work hours, but... oh! Sometimes you pat my head when I do well... But I don't really know what you're thinking with all the coming and going!!"

"I see..."

"But is it true that you're popular within the company because of your face? Does that even make sense? If people from the Strategic Planning Department saw you working, they wouldn't say such things!!"

As Jung Dajun passionately vents, his cheeks turning as red as ripe persimmons, Seong Jiwon calmly responds with a gentle smile, then glances over, pointing with a slight motion of his hand.


"What is it, Team Leader?"


As Seong Jiwon discreetly gestures behind him, Jung Dajun, still not understanding, blinks and turns around, then startles. There stands the familiar crimson face.


["Hahaha, oh nooooo!"]

["Oh, Dajun, what are you going to do?"]

It was Seo Hoyoon, running his hand over Dajun's chin with a sly smile.

"You've only been with the company for a short while, and your work is so mediocre, yet you're quite well-informed about rumors, huh?"

"T-Team Leader..."

"He's the number one in teasing people."

"But they say he's popular, right?"

"Ah, true."

Supported by Seong Jiwon, Seo Hoyoon chuckles.

"Doesn't it seem a bit unbelievable to Dajun?"


With a self-assured expression, Seo Hoyoon, with one corner of his mouth lifted, fills the screen with his confident face, as if to say, 'Can't you tell just by looking at his face?'

The sunsets were beautiful, so he tore his hair out.


["Aaargh, you crazy bastard!!"]

With Dajun's mouth firmly shut and only his eyes rolling, Seo Hoyoon sends a cold glance once more before passing by nonchalantly. Seong Jiwon follows after him.

"Hey Hoyoon, Seonghyun's avoiding you."

["Are those two classmates or something???"]

[※ The oldest three are set as classmates ※]

Thus, the faces of Kim Seonghyun, head of the Business Support Team, Seo Hoyoon, head of the Strategic Planning Team, and Seong Jiwon, head of the Personnel Support Team, are stamped over Rushmore's mountain.

[CG really has no backbone...]

While Noeul marveled at the poor CG, Seo Hoyoon asked, "Why? Because you can't act?"

"He hates being called a baby."

"What can I do if he's getting annoyed?"

["Wow, Seo Hoyoon's personality was really bad..."]

["This guy.... But I kinda like it when you're annoyed...."]

"The 'Dudon Electronics' was a reality plot crafted by Lee Jihyun, who knows well that idolizing is based on reality but is actually impossible, based on Seo Hoyoon's and the Planning Team's irreplaceable meeting and discussion (or rather, Seo Hoyoon's one-sided grilling).

This will definitely work.

Lee Jihyun bet on his favorite and was confident.

["Wait a minute, Seo Hoyoon hasn't touched the mouse once;;;; He's doing everything with shortcuts"]

["Damn, that's a lie."]

["Why does an idol know PowerPoint and Excel shortcuts.."]

And when Seo Hoyoon entered the Strategic Planning Office and started working, his prediction was beautifully accurate.

Though Seo Hoyoon was at the brink of death due to work during his PD days, it wasn't like that from the beginning. He worked as efficiently as possible because every minute was precious, even to have dinner with Seo Hojin.

["But the PowerPoint is so neatㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ But the contentㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ"]

Seo Hoyoon typed furiously, sincerely concentrating.

[Proposal for preventing Jung Dajun's tooth decay]


["Are you playing Robin Hood with your salaryㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ"]

Listing Jung Dajun's current tooth decay situation, problems, causes, and countermeasures according to the 5W1H, it was all cut or blurred out by editing and only passed by briefly.

Despite being very brief, Noeul took a breathtaking screenshot and praised it.

["No... it looks really something? No, it's just a few lines, but it looks plausible"]

["You can smell that he's good at his job from the writing, this must have been prepared by the Planning Team, right?"]


Seo Hoyoon, who really had nothing to do, made it in just 30 minutes to show Jung Dajun.

Unaware of his own fate, Jung Dajun just turned on PowerPoint and admired the 3D design.

And then, as Jung Dajun was fascinated by the 3D design, the door suddenly opened behind him.

It was Kang Ichae, wearing a white shirt and gray trousers.

["Tom and Dream?????????? Why is he like this????"]

Since Kang Ichae usually only insisted on casual looks like hoodies or comfortable clothes unless he was on stage or fulfilling his schedule, even though it was a semi-formal style, fans were seeing this outfit for the first time.

[New Employee of the Strategic Planning Office, Kang Ichae]

["Ah, I'm so nervous as a new employee."]

But everyone burst into laughter at the subsequent introduction.

[Special: Parachuter.]


As Kang Ichae greeted with a cheerful face and opened the office door, the clock enlarged to 11:20.

At 11:20,

Without even lifting his gaze, Seo Hoyoon asked, "Did you come to eat lunch at the company?"

"Hahaha, because the team leader is treating, I wanted to eat. Right, Dajun?"


When Jung Dajun hesitated while keeping an eye on the situation, Kang Ichae took out an Americano from the drink carrier and placed it against Dajun's throat.

Amused by Dajun's scream, Kang Ichae approached Seo Hoyoon.

"Here~, have this and enjoy it, Team Leader."

"What is this?"

"It's a drink with added chocolate drizzle, 5 pumps of mocha syrup, and 4 pumps of hazelnut syrup."


"Isn't it just your taste, Team Leader?"

While chuckling, Kang Ichae extended the drink to Seo Hoyoon, who finally looked away from the monitor and took the cup, sipping it eagerly.

"Mr. Kang Ichae."


"I've been thinking about why Mr. Lee Ichae was late."

Biting the straw with his front teeth, Seo Hoyoon looked at Kang Ichae over his glasses.

"Did you perhaps encounter a gust of wind while paragliding this morning?"


"I thought you had crash-landed."

Kang Ichae, belatedly catching onto the joke, slightly opened his mouth. Seo Hoyoon had joked about him paragliding as if it was a parachute.

Seo Hoyoon didn't miss the moment when Kang Ichae was taken aback.

"Why not take the opportunity to find love and have lunch in North Korea?"

A skull popped up next to Kang Ichae, and subtitles appeared.

[Parachute 1 Loss.]



However, Kang Ichae wasn't one to just take it lying down.

Quickly regaining his composure, he grabbed a tissue from the side and poked his own eyes with it.

"Ah, it was so difficult to come back with all my love.... I flew here desperately just to have lunch with the team leader and our intern."

"Really?!?! You want to eat with us?!"

Jumping up, Jung Dajun, who had been busy clicking the mouse on a blank screen while leaving PowerPoint on to show that he was doing something, stood up.

"Of course, Mr. Dajun. If I don't take care of our intern, who will?"

"Oh, well...."

"Of course, Mr. Dajun. If I don't take care of our intern, who will?"


Moved to tears, Kang Ichae covered his mouth with both hands and gave a warm smile to Jung Dajun, who widened his eyes in surprise. Then, tapping Seo Hoyoon's watch, Kang Ichae raised the stakes with a mischievous grin.

"How about having Pyongyang cold noodles then?"


This time, a skull popped up next to Seo Hoyoon's face, and subtitles appeared.

[Even Team Leader Seo takes a loss in harmony.]

Seo Hoyoon pushed his glasses up and glared.

But there were plenty of opportunities for payback in the future, and for now, he decided to take one step back to move two steps forward.

With a peaceful background music, the screen transitioned to a restaurant serving Pyongyang cold noodles.

["The legendary battle between the team leader and the parachute, now fighting over mul-naengmyeon vs. bibim-naengmyeon"]

["They're even arguing over whether to add mustard to the sauce, saying this and that about the vinegar..."]

["Haha.. That's a real department head jerk, trying to trigger company PTSD and make us laugh"]

"Order up!!"

At that moment, Kim Seonghyun appeared, wearing a red apron over a fitted shirt that looked quite expensive.

"Yes, I'll take your order."

