Arthur's Choice


As Arthur entered the vast expanse and traveled further forward, he heard his grandfather's voice reverberate throughout the vault.

"If you have any questions regarding the vault and anything, ask them out."

Arthur subconsciously nodded and decided to pick a mana art first out of all three things.

Mana arts, as their name implied, were mana techniques that were a collection of various mana skills.

Their ranks varied from [Order I] to [Order VIII], with humanity only having some [Order V] arts as the highest they could afford.

The Elves, who were masters at mana, with their mana rich bodies had Mana arts till [Order VII] maximum.

There was no recorded [Order VIII] arts yet but there were many theories and rumors about the Netherfiends possessing Martial Collections (1) and Wither Arts of [Order VIII] rank.

The higher the mana art rating, the harder it was to advance its mastery.