Beg Me!

"Are you asking me or ordering me?" Ava Sterling retorted with a raised eyebrow.


Nathan Ford felt like his forehead was about to catch fire, pushed to his absolute limit, yet Ava Sterling seemed to be pushing even further.


"I... I'm asking you..." he managed to grind out between clenched teeth, feeling as if he had exhausted all his strength.


Ava Sterling, that infuriating woman, would see karma come around. 


"What was that? I didn't quite catch it," she teased, clearly enjoying herself.


"Ava Sterling, enough is enough. Don't push it," Nathan Ford warned as Ava Sterling continued to overstep, his patience wearing thin.


"Oh, Nathan Ford, losing your temper so quickly? I thought a man of your stature could weather more than this. I was merely seeking clarification. After all, if you're asking, shouldn't I at least know what you're asking for?" Ava Sterling continued, unphased.


Nathan Ford realized dealing with Ava Sterling was like dealing with the proverbial difficult woman and knave rolled into one.


"Hmph... Forget it." Frustrated, he turned to leave.


Chris Parker, his assistant, quickly intervened. "Sir, the elder Mr. Ford explicitly said..."


Remembering his grandfather's numerous instructions, Nathan stopped in his tracks, his pride already in tatters, caring little for losing a bit more.


"Ava Sterling, I'm earnestly asking you to accompany me to pick up Grandfather," Nathan said solemnly, nearly startling Ava Sterling.


Seeing Nathan Ford in such a state, Ava Sterling couldn't bring herself to refuse any longer, especially considering old Mr. Ford's genuine affection for her.


"Let's go," she said, moving ahead without another glance at Nathan Ford.


"Thank you..." Nathan said sincerely, grateful that Ava Sterling agreed to fulfill his grandfather's wish.


Acknowledging his shortcomings as a husband, Nathan Ford was genuinely thankful for Ava Sterling's assistance in satisfying his grandfather's last few desires.


Hearing Nathan Ford's thanks left Ava Sterling with mixed feelings, surprise being the dominant one. 


She hadn't expected such sincere gratitude from Nathan, considering how difficult it usually was for him to even speak kindly to her. This unfamiliar behavior from him was quite unsettling for Ava.


Deep down, Ava actually looked forward to picking up Mr. Ford, the patriarch of the Ford family, who was the only one who truly treated her with kindness.


"No need to thank me," Ava replied, a bit awkwardly.


The car ride to the airport was silent, as if their earlier argument had never happened. The quiet was peaceful, devoid of any awkwardness.


Upon arriving at the airport, Ava spotted Mr. Ford from afar, surrounded by a few assistants, calmly making his way out. She ran towards him as soon as she saw him.


"Grandpa, you're back!" Ava rushed to give Mr. Ford a big hug, much to his delight.


"I'm back, my dear granddaughter-in-law," Mr. Ford said affectionately, looking at Ava while Nathan was left to handle the luggage.


The scene almost made it seem as if Ava was the biological family member and Nathan was the adopted one, causing Nathan to feel a bit slighted internally.


Once in the car, Mr. Ford took the passenger seat to give Ava and Nathan space in the back, though neither of them were particularly thrilled about sitting together.


"Ava, my dear, Nathan hasn't been bullying you, has he?" Mr. Ford immediately asked upon getting in the car.


"Grandpa, what are you talking about?" Nathan quickly interjected, hearing his grandfather's question.