Pretending to Be in Love

Does he really look like the type to bully others? The very idea of him bullying Ava Sterling was laughable. Was Ava Sterling the kind of person anyone could bully?


It seemed Grandpa really had an exaggerated opinion of him.


"Quiet, you rascal. I wasn't talking to you," Grandpa Ford snapped when Nathan Ford tried to interject.


Nathan Ford fell silent, feeling utterly disregarded.


Ava Sterling couldn't help but suppress a chuckle at Nathan Ford's pitiful look.


"Grandpa, Nathan hasn't been bullying me at all. Even if he wanted to, he wouldn't dare. And you know what? He's been treating me so well, worrying I might get hungry or cold. In just this past month, I've gained ten pounds. At this rate, I'm worried I'll turn into a balloon," Ava Sterling playfully complained.


Grandpa Ford burst into hearty laughter. "Haha, that's good, that's good. Getting a bit plump is perfect for having healthy babies..."


Ava Sterling was the one to fall silent this time.


"Grandpa's right. We'll keep up the effort. After such praise from my wife, I've got to redouble my efforts to live up to the expectations," Nathan Ford quickly added.


Ava Sterling shot Nathan Ford a sharp look. This man really knew how to climb the social ladder.


"Honey, I promise to treat you even better from now on, make sure you're well-fed," Nathan Ford said, turning to Ava Sterling with a grin.


Ava Sterling felt a chill run down her spine. What was this man on?


If it weren't for Grandpa's presence, she might have seriously considered kicking Nathan Ford out of the car.


"Thank you, dear. You're the best," Ava Sterling responded, though she had no choice but to play along.


"Really? You're amazing, honey. I love you to death," Nathan Ford echoed enthusiastically.


Ava Sterling felt like she was about to lose her dinner.


Could Nathan Ford be any more shameless?


"Are you serious right now? Have some shame," Ava Sterling said with a forced smile, leaning in close to Nathan Ford's ear, whispering so only the two of them could hear.


"And what's this? My wife thinks I'm not doing well enough? Weren't you just praising me? Why the sudden change of heart?" Nathan Ford whispered back, equally low.


Hearing Nathan's words, Ava could only mentally curse, reminding herself to keep calm and not to lash out, especially with their grandfather sitting upfront.


"Can we not do the whole 'husband and wife' act? It's nauseating. Can't you just... accumulate some virtue with your words? Doesn't calling me that make you feel uncomfortable?" Ava gritted her teeth, her smile stiff on her face.


"Not at all. Why would I find it disgusting? Especially after my wife praised me in front of grandpa, right?" Nathan continued, unabashed.


Ava only responded with a cold laugh, which was quickly followed by Nathan sharply inhaling in pain. 


Ava had mercilessly pinched him at his waist, then threw him a look that could only be described as daring.


"The heart of a woman is most poisonous, huh? Was that really necessary?" Nathan grimaced in pain.


"What do you think? If you keep talking nonsense, or get handsy, I'll show you what 'the heart of a woman is most poisonous' really means," Ava warned, glancing at Nathan's hand on her shoulder.


"Grandpa's here, so I'll let it go. A good man doesn't fight with a wicked woman," Nathan said, removing his hand.


"Ha, after all this time apart, it seems Ava and Nathan's affection for each other has only grown stronger. Perhaps I was worried over nothing," Mr. Ford remarked, looking at them with relief, thinking they were a loving couple.


Both Ava and Nathan were speechless at their grandfather's comment, their faces lined with disbelief. But if it made the old man happy, then so be it.


"Right, right, we deeply love each other, don't we, Ava?" Nathan, not one to let go easily after being pinched so fiercely by Ava, decided to return the favor with a bit of his own medicine.