Dealing with Her

The saying goes, "For every clever move, there's a counter move." Nathan Ford thought his little schemes to deal with her were more than sufficient.


Changing a lock was a simple task, and soon the locksmith had the new lock installed.


Nathan Ford then took a photo to compare. The new lock was almost indistinguishable from the original. Unless one looked closely, it was indeed difficult to notice that the lock had been changed.


Nathan Ford pondered over Ava Sterling, that intellectually gifted yet straightforward woman, and figured she wouldn't realize the lock had been changed anytime soon.


"Alright, you can leave now."


Taking the keys, Nathan Ford inserted them into the lock, satisfied as he opened the door and then relocked it. After paying the workmen, a slight smile played on his lips as he grabbed his car keys and left.


Upon arriving at the company, Chris Parker was already waiting for him at the elevator entrance.


Nathan Ford paused for a moment as he stepped out of the elevator and continued walking without stopping.


"Boss, about hiring Iris Hart as the designer for Serenity Tea Haven, are you sure?"


Nathan Ford halted briefly: "Why not?"


"But what about the missus?" Chris Parker hesitated to say more but still felt something was amiss.


"Whatever her opinion, just do as I say. Let's announce the designer."


Glancing at his watch, Nathan Ford saw Chris Parker wanted to add something but cut him off.


"Isn't there a morning meeting today? Get them to my office within 15 minutes!"


Chris Parker, looking bitter, had no choice but to prepare for the morning meeting as instructed.


Ava Sterling's good mood was completely shattered that morning.


As soon as she arrived at the office, Zoe Dawson's sharp voice pierced her ears. 


Ava Sterling frowned slightly and stepped back, "Zoe Dawson, when will you ever learn to be calm?"


Zoe Dawson, panting as if she had just run up the stairs, blurted out, "Ava Sterling! Don't you know yet?"


Ava, puzzled, looked at her, "What am I supposed to know?"


"The designer position for Serenity Tea Haven went to Iris Hart."


"Iris Hart?" Ava silently repeated the name.


"Yes! That woman! I can't believe she had the audacity to compete with you for the project! And Nathan Ford, that idiot, actually approved it, making her the project lead? Clearly, Iris Hart is not suitable at all!"


Zoe, heatedly, pulled up a chair and sat down. Ava watched her heaving chest and couldn't help but laugh, "Zoe, when did you become so passionately righteous?"


Zoe almost jumped in frustration, "Righteous? I'm cynical! Why should that woman get the project? You're leagues better than her. It's just that idiot, blinded by a woman, can't see your worth, Ava."


"Thanks for the compliment! However..." Ava gave her a meaningful glance.


Zoe's eyes widened, "What?"


"But, she's simply not in my league. Comparing her to me is degrading myself."


Zoe seemed to find a kindred spirit and couldn't help but start ranting, "Nathan Ford, too, blessed with good looks but blind as a bat when it comes to women! Really, what kind of women does he like, not seeing Iris Hart for the viper she is?"


After venting so much, Zoe seemed unsatisfied, took a sip of water, and continued, "It's not just his blindness, but his taste is appalling! Compared to you, Iris Hart is nothing, reeking of vulgarity."