
Iris Hart, gracefully linked arm in arm with Nathan Ford, made their appearance at Zen Garden Studio. The entire company seemed to have seen a ghost, as everyone stared at them in utter shock.


Yet, the protagonists themselves remained utterly unfazed. Iris Hart, with a proud tilt of her head, confidently walked with Nathan Ford into the elevator.


When the two appeared in front of Ava Sterling's office, Zoe Dawson was still relentlessly criticizing them.


Iris Hart happened to catch the last remark from Zoe Dawson, her eyes blazing with anger as she fixed her gaze on the two women seated inside the room.


Nathan Ford gently patted her hand, quenching her anger instantly.


Turning to Nathan Ford, she lamented, "Nathan, could this all be some kind of misunderstanding? Maybe Miss Sterling has gotten the wrong impression of me."


"Let's talk inside," Nathan Ford suggested, holding her hand as they pushed the door open and walked in.


The moment Ava Sterling laid eyes on them, she thought to herself that all the coincidences of the year had happened to them.


It was the second time. The second time they were caught red-handed talking behind someone's back. Ava Sterling suddenly regretted her actions, promising never to speak ill of others behind their backs again.


Zoe Dawson shrank back, turning to look at Ava Sterling.


Especially when Ava saw the dark circles under Nathan Ford's eyes. She felt a sudden regret; this man was indeed stubborn, having waited outside all night.


But pity lasted only for a moment. As soon as Nathan Ford entered, he made himself at home, sitting on the sofa as if it were his own.


"Do I need to explain to you whether I'm blind or not, Manager Dawson?"


Zoe Dawson's face turned pale in an instant, standing there in panic, unsure of how to respond. Ava Sterling sighed silently to herself; Zoe Dawson was only good at badmouthing others behind their backs. Confronted face to face, she was at a loss for words.


"Nathan Ford, are the things you do not supposed to be talked about?" Ava Sterling stepped forward at just the right moment, earning a grateful glance from Zoe Dawson.


Continuing without missing a beat, Ava said, "After all, Manager Dawson is my person. If anyone is to teach her a lesson, it should be me. I believe you don't have the right to do so, do you?"


Nathan Ford's brow furrowed slightly, yet his demeanor remained as serene as a calm day, as he looked at her and said, "Rights aside, my purpose here is to remind you that I've entrusted the design rights of Serenity Tea Haven to Iris."


Ava Sterling sat quietly, her expression unreadable as she observed the two. The calm on the surface hid the storm brewing underneath. 


Iris Hart seemed particularly dissatisfied with Ava's performance.


Standing up with a professional posture, Iris approached Ava Sterling and said, "Miss Sterling, we're all just playing to our strengths here. Nathan entrusted me with the design rights because he believes in me."


With a hand over her mouth, Iris chuckled softly, "In this design circle, it's all about the work you produce. Now that I've secured this project, it's seen as the consensus of many."


Ava Sterling clapped her hands in mock agreement, "Indeed, it is the consensus!" 


Suddenly, her tone shifted, "Don't you find your so-called victory despicable, Iris Hart? I didn't even get a chance to compete for this project. In the future, when others mention it, they'll think you resorted to using personal influence. And what works of yours can you show? Those luxurious but tasteless pieces? I think they're more suited for nightclubs.As for the design rights to this tea house, I won't give them to you, nor do I wish to!"


Iris Hart, about to point a finger at Ava Sterling, held back due to Nathan Ford's presence.