The Competition

"What's wrong? Unhappy? Let me tell you, it's all about leveraging what you've got. If you really don't want to stay in this design circle, I advise you to take this project and leave today! I wouldn't say it if I couldn't do it! Don't think that just because you have Nathan Ford as your backing, you can do whatever you want. Even Nathan Ford has his fears."


Although Ava Sterling's words were directed at those in front of her, her eyes were firmly fixed on Nathan Ford.


Nathan Ford understood her meaning and his expression changed. He stood up, walked over to Iris Hart, and took her into his arms.


Iris Hart's nose tingled, and she forced out two tears, burying herself in Nathan Ford's embrace: "Nathan, I told you, you shouldn't have given me this project! Miss Sterling is bound to misunderstand. She was biased against me before, and now she probably hates me even more!"


"Ava Sterling, you want a fair competition? Fine, I'll give you a chance for a fair competition. But you must agree to one condition."


Ava Sterling, not fully grasping his statement, interrupted him: "I will not agree to any conditions. You might as well give up on that idea!"


"Don't push your luck, Ava Sterling!"


Nathan Ford's face turned completely sour. Colleagues passing by outside heard the argument and instinctively looked towards their office.


Zoe Dawson sat there as if petrified, watching the three of them argue.


"Me, pushing my luck? Nathan Ford, have some shame. Do you even know what that means? This project was meant to be a fair competition from the start. Don't think you can do whatever you want just because you're rich. Yes, you're the investor of this teahouse, and you do have the right to decide who its designer will be. But can you silence all the gossip? Moreover, with Iris Hart's capabilities, can she truly deliver a design?"


For the first time, Ava Sterling lost her temper, something Zoe Dawson, having known her for years, had never seen before, leaving her too shocked to utter a word.


"Miss Sterling, what's wrong with my skills? After all, I am a legitimate designer. To dismiss me in front of everyone like this, is it just to elevate yourself?" Iris Hart pulled away from Nathan Ford's embrace, glanced at the crowd standing outside the door, and continued, "Just because Nathan likes me, you oppose me at every turn. Is there a law that says a designer can't have the upper hand over their boss?


"As for whether I'm trying to elevate myself, you should be clear in your heart! As for your designs, our company could easily produce a designer who could surpass your work!"


Iris Hart was about to say more, but Ava Sterling cut her off, "Don't let the door hit you on the way out! Nathan Ford, if you really want to ruin this project, let Iris Hart design it."


Nathan Ford's heart stirred slightly as he looked at Ava Sterling.


Seeing that neither of them showed any intention of leaving, Ava, who indeed did not want to stay a minute longer, stood up, pushed her chair back, and walked towards the door.


Nathan Ford, with his hands in his pockets and a grim expression, watched her leave, then suddenly said, "I'm offering you a chance to compete fairly."


"Sorry, I don't need it," she retorted without hesitation, pausing briefly before resolutely continuing towards the door.


"There's a designer competition in the city this month. The winner not only gets an offer from abroad but will also secure the design rights to Serenity Tea Haven."


Ava Sterling's heart fluttered slightly, and she stopped, turning to look at him, "You mean it?"


Nathan Ford nodded, paying no mind to Iris Hart by his side.