
Compared to Iris Hart's blatant bullying, Zoe Dawson found Nathan Ford even more detestable for being her accomplice. Without his endorsement, Iris wouldn't dare to be so bold, especially to swap blueprints right under everyone's noses.


Nathan Ford had braced himself for Ava Sterling's rebuke even before arriving, but that didn't mean he was open to being scolded by just anyone. Yet, his principles prevented him from arguing with a woman, forcing him to rebuke coldly.


"Miss Dawson, I advise you to choose your words carefully. Moreover, I'm not here to see you. Please, call out Ava Sterling."


Iris Hart chimed in, visibly annoyed by Zoe Dawson.


"Zoe Dawson, watch your language. I came here to apologize to Ava Sterling, not to argue with you!"


Zoe Dawson simply scoffed, suppressing the urge to retaliate physically.