The Naïve Billionaire?

Ava Sterling felt intrigued by the offer but couldn't think of anything she wanted besides the project at that moment. Yet, she wasn't ready to let Nathan Ford off the hook easily. After a moment's thought, she said, "I can't think of anything for now. Let's consider it a rain check."


"A rain check? That's not acceptable," Iris Hart protested before Nathan could respond, worried about what excessive demands Ava Sterling might make of Nathan in the future. She knew all too well that Ava Sterling was a master of manipulation.


At Iris Hart's interruption, Ava Sterling glared fiercely, exuding an air of someone not to be trifled with. "I wasn't speaking to you. Why are you butting in?"


"Exactly, doesn't she know that not interrupting others is the most basic form of manners?" Zoe Dawson chimed in, delighting in seeing Iris Hart, the proverbial 'white lotus,' put in her place.