
Iris barely had time to scream before the burly woman struck her, leaving her dazed. What followed was a merciless and one-sided beating.


For days, no one came to check on her. It wasn't until the women grew tired that they finally stopped. Iris lay on the ground, her body covered in bruises and cuts. She wanted to cry out for help, but her throat hurt so much she couldn't utter a single word.


Every day after that, Iris was beaten for various fabricated reasons. New wounds piled on top of old ones, and no matter how many times she reported the abuse to the prison staff, nothing was done.


She eventually lost hope, realizing that Diana wouldn't stop until she was dead. But Iris was determined not to give her the satisfaction. She would survive this, get out, and exact her revenge on Diana, Ava, and Nathan—none of them would be spared.