Uninvited Guest

"You don't need to help. This place is too small; I can manage on my own. If you stay here, you'll just be in the way." Ava pulled Patrick back into the living room.


"Ava, my head hurts..." Patrick followed her obediently, his voice pitiful. Although he looked miserable, he felt triumphant inside, surprised at his own acting skills.


Ava handed Patrick a cup of hot water, her demeanor almost parental. "I understand you young people like to show off, but don't you know your limits? In the end, you're the one who suffers, and it's bad for your health. Don't drink just for the sake of drinking. Think beforehand if it's necessary. If it's not, then don't drink. It'll save you from a lot of unnecessary parties, got it?"


Patrick tried hard not to laugh and nodded obediently. Ava sighed and went to the kitchen to make some hangover soup for him.