
With a stern expression, Nathan scooped up the fake Ava in a bridal carry. The fake Ava felt a surge of excitement, thinking her plan was finally about to succeed. However, upon entering the room, Nathan unceremoniously tossed her onto the bed and turned to leave.


Seeing Nathan's action, the fake Ava panicked. She had schemed meticulously for this evening and couldn't let him leave so easily.


"Nathan, don't you want to spend the night with me?"


Her tone was filled with blatant seduction, but Nathan felt no desire whatsoever. With his back to her, he replied, "I need to take care of Ryan tonight. You've had a long day; you should rest."


He quickly exited, leaving the fake Ava in a state of urgency. She scrambled to catch Nathan but misstepped and twisted her ankle, a sharp pain shooting through her leg. She cried out in genuine pain this time.


"Nathan, my foot hurts so much..."