Chapter 2 Starting Cohabitation Life

Olive doesn't know that Clara Doyle is just outside the door.

At this point, everyone went to the dining hall to eat.

Otherwise, she wouldn't have let Ezra Greene say so many disgusting things about her.

She was furious.

"Ezra Greene, Clara Doyle just had her second child, are you sorry for her?"

"What's the reason why she doesn't wear makeup or comb her hair?"

"Do you think that she takes care of your two children, the older one goes to elementary school and needs her to pick up and tutor her every day, and the younger one has to breastfeed her, and also take care of your parents, and even your sister-in-law, how much time can she have for herself?"

"If it wasn't for marrying you and bearing children for you, with Clara's abilities, she could also become a well-dressed and charming strong woman. You still despise her?"

Olive wanted to kill Ezra Greene.

"She marries any man to have children."

Ezra Greene is not only not guilty, but also righteous.

"It's because she doesn't clean up herself and doesn't want to make progress. How can she blame me?"


Olive couldn't take it anymore and slapped Ezra Greene hard.

For a moment, Ezra Greene didn't react at all.

Olive, whose lungs were about to explode, couldn't calm down his anger for a long time.

How can a man be so scumbag?

"Ezra Greene, even if you're not Clara's husband, I wouldn't fall in love with a man like you who doesn't know what to do or what to do."

"No, you are not worthy to be a man at all, you are simply inferior to a beast."

"You'd better turn your mind back to Clara, or don't blame me for being rude to you."

Not wanting to spend a moment with this scumbag, Olive opened the door and left.

The man who was humiliated by her behind her began to hold grudges in her heart.

In the invisible corner outside the door, Clara Doyle was already in tears.

When everyone came back from the dining hall one after another, Olive still didn't see Clara Doyle.

She sent out the wedding candy first, and also told everyone that she was married, but she didn't plan to hold a wedding banquet for the time being.

She was busy until after nine o'clock in the evening, and she didn't stop until Neil called.

"Have you gotten off work?"

Olive didn't know it was Neil's call, but she recognized Neil's voice, "Mr. Meyer?"

It's not that she has a good memory, but that Neil's voice is too recognizable, and it's deep and nice, like the strings of a violin.

"It's me," Neil said. "I'm outside your company, and you come out after get off work."

Olive was also ready to call it a day and go home, "Then just wait for me."

After hanging up the phone, Neil stepped out of a Rolls-Royce, "Frank Hanson, drive back."

"Okay, Master Meyer." The driver, Frank Hanson, respectfully.

Neil said in a deep voice, "From now on, don't call me Master Meyer in front of your wife."

"Okay, Master Meyer. But don't you really need me to go in with you?"

"Need not."

In order to save rent, Olive and Ezra GreeneClara Doyle specially rented the company in the urban village of Mesa.

Across the street from the urban village is a bustling commercial center.

This is the urban character of Mesa.

Neil waited for a few minutes outside Number Six of the Third Street.

The cries of hawkers, the noise of people coming and going, and the atmosphere of the market made him a little impatient.

His unique temperament is also incompatible with this place.

Seeing Olive, he walked up.

"How did you find this place?" Olive remembered, she didn't tell him that she worked here.

Neil didn't answer, but got straight to the point, "The small company I opened went bankrupt, and the bank seized my house and car. I don't have a place to live now, can I go to your place?"

"..." Olive couldn't react for a moment, "Didn't you have a good morning?"

Neil lied, calmly, "It just happened this afternoon."

Olive still couldn't accept it.

Why didn't he say these things before receiving the certificate?

Neil added, "Besides, I'm short of money for the time being. Is it convenient for you to borrow 100,000 yuan?"

If Kaleb Meyer hadn't agreed to live in Olive's house in this way, he wouldn't lie, let alone borrow money from a woman.

In fact, he didn't even bother to test Olive, anyway, he was going to divorce after a year.

The character of Olive has nothing to do with him.

But Kaleb Meyer insisted on doing this one, as if he wanted to prove to him that Olive is a good woman.

He had to do it.

He waited for Olive to say no.

After all, he is a normal person, and he would not accept that the husband who just got married in the morning suddenly went bankrupt, came to implicate her, and even asked her for money.

Olive did not immediately answer.

In addition to being stunned, she was more frowning, with a feeling of being cheated.

Neil, who quietly observed her reaction, smiled inwardly.

She certainly could not accept this marriage.

As long as she refuses, he doesn't have to live in her house.

Maybe she would say that he cheated on the marriage and ruin it on the spot?

Neil was absolutely certain.

In this way, there is no need to wait until a year later to divorce her.

He can be set free immediately.

Olive, who hadn't reacted for a long time, finally spoke, "Why didn't you say it earlier?"

But on second thought.

The flash marriage was her own decision, and Neil didn't force her.

Even if he is really broke and penniless, he can't be blamed, besides, they are husband and wife now.

Don't husbands and wives have to suffer together?

"Forget it, where's your suitcase?"

This time, it was Neil's turn to be a little overwhelmed.

He frowned tightly, "Do you agree to let me borrow at your house?"

Olive, who had done some ideological struggle, simply said:

"You have fallen to the point where you are bankrupt and have no place to live. Can I drive you away?"

"If you're bankrupt, you're bankrupt. I didn't take your money when I married you."

"Since you are married, you are a family in name. A family does not speak two languages. Let's go, I will take you to my place."

Neil, with a calm appearance, was very shocked.

He was already prepared to be rejected by her.

And, he intends to prove something to Kaleb Meyer, at least his daughter-in-law is not so good.

Now it seems that she is indeed an unusual woman just like what her father said.

Neil wanted to be rejected by her very much, so he asked decisively, "Then, the one hundred thousand yuan I borrowed from you?"

Olive said seriously, "I still need to think about this matter."

One hundred thousand yuan is not a small sum at all.

Neil: "If you're too embarrassed, don't worry about me, after all, we've only known each other for less than ten hours."

Olive: "I'll get back to you tomorrow morning."

Thinking of something, Olive quickly asked again, "Mr. Meyer, apart from bankruptcy, you have no debts, right?"

They are now a legal couple.

If he owes a debt outside, she will also pay it back together.

She's still nervous about it.

Neil also saw her nervousness.

It would be too much to lie to her that he was bankrupt. He didn't want to put too much pressure on her, so he said:

"No, my assets can be repaid, but there is no penny left."

"That's okay." Olive breathed a sigh of relief, and quickly encouraged him again, "You have hands and feet, find a job first, as long as you work hard, you can still make a comeback."

Neil didn't say anything, just hummed and gave her an extra look.

It seems like she really can't be hated.

Olive asked, "You don't have any luggage?"

"The house was seized all of a sudden," Neil said. "Nothing came out."

Olive led him, "Let's go, I'll buy you two sets of clothes and daily necessities."

Ezra Greene, who had come out of the alley a long time ago, could clearly hear the conversation behind the two.

Really want to go up and sarcasm Olive a few words.

This is the man she married?

Not only did he go bankrupt without a penny, but he also asked the woman for money?

This kind of man Olive also fancy?

Maybe it was rejected and humiliated, or maybe it was slapped by Olive, Ezra Greene remembered the hatred.

He wanted to make a fool of Olive in front of people.

Maybe her husband, who still relies on women to support her after bankruptcy, is humiliating Olive, a good opportunity...