Chapter 3 The couple's wedding night

It was past ten o'clock at night when Olive led Neil to buy a change of clothes and daily necessities.

Neil has an extraordinary temperament all over her body. She wanted to buy him two better clothes, but the big shopping mall opposite the village in the city was closed.

At this point, only the street stalls have not closed their stalls.

So she led Neil to a night market stall.

There are small businesses and hawkers gathered here. The owner who sells fried noodles and fried noodles is shirtless and turns the pot with a spoon.

If it weren't for Olive, Neil would never be in this place.

At this point, he should go back to his big villa, take a bath, drink a glass of red wine, read books related to finance and economics, and then sleep with a cup of hot milk.

In such a noisy and chaotic night market, Neil felt out of place.

He even regretted agreeing to his father and married Olive who lived in this environment.

Then he thought that after a year, his father would no longer interfere with his freedom of unmarried, so he endured it.

Olive first bought Neil daily necessities, and chose two sets of sportswear.

It only costs 160 yuan for two sets, which is very cost-effective.

After asking about the price, Olive looked at Neil, "This is the only stall at this spot, just these two sets, do you think it's okay?"

"You asked me to wear this?" Neil frowned, unable to hide the disgust in his eyes.

Olive wanted to say, don't be so picky when you're all bankrupt.

But thinking of not sweeping his face in front of people.

After all, men love face.

So she tactfully said, "I know it's hard to go from extravagance to frugality, but you're already in this situation, so just make do with it, and you can wear it."

Neil realizes he's being picky.

And she bought it with money, so it would be unreasonable for him to be picky.

Seeing that he was silent, Olive scanned the QR code to pay, "Boss, remember to take the one that is over 1.85 meters, otherwise he won't be able to wear it."

The stall owner is a sallow woman in her forties.

After putting on the clothes, she kept staring at Neil, "Sister, this is your husband, he looks so handsome."

She has set up a stall here for more than ten years, and has never seen such a handsome man come to patronize her.

Maybe the stars on TV can't compare either.

Those celebrities have put on makeup, but the man in front of him is alive and handsome in 360 degrees without dead ends.

Neil often receives nympho eyes from women, but he always feels uncomfortable being stared at by a middle-aged woman with a sallow face.

He took the bag, took Olive's hand, and left quickly, "Let's go, go home."

Olive knew that he didn't want to be stared at like that, so he took her hand and left quickly.

She also cooperated with him, walked a few steps away, and then pulled her hand from his palm.

In these seven years of being single, this is the first time I have touched a man's hand.

She didn't like this feeling very much.

It was like her safe territory had been invaded.

So after she withdrew her hand, she seemed a little angry, "I don't like others to hold my hand casually, next time without my permission, don't allow it."

Neil didn't respond immediately, but felt disgusted by her.

Didn't those women in the past all look forward to getting these?

Frustrated, Neil responded politely, "Sorry!"

"Hurry up." Olive urged, "It's late, I have to go to work tomorrow."

After passing through several alleys, I came to a seventh-floor self-built house in the village in the city.

Neil looked at Olive, then at the shabby rental building, "You live here?"

Obviously with a contemptuous tone.

When she bought him clothes just now, he spread the goods with some disgust.

It's true that the suits he was wearing looked exquisite, maybe he didn't wear cheap clothes.

But didn't he go bankrupt, his house and car were seized by the bank, and he lost a penny?

Since this is the case, what qualifications do you have to dislike?

Suppressing the complaints about him in his heart, Olive maintained the most basic courtesy:

"Mr. Meyer, were the two houses you used to have a good environment in the community, with greenery, a community, security guards, and property services on call?"

More than these.

There are also servants, private nutritionists, cleaners, gardeners, drivers, bodyguards...

But Neil realized that he should have a "bankrupt" status now, so he didn't dislike it anymore.

Olive said again, "Mr. Meyer, if you are bankrupt, you have to look like a bankrupt. The living environment here is indeed a bit poor, but it is a place to live. I think, if you are not desperate, you can't be willing. Move to live with me. Since it’s all like this, you should settle down as soon as you come. Go back and have a good sleep, and then think about what you should do next. "

Neil followed her words and responded, "Thank you for reminding me."

He really should have come and settled down.

Who told him to promise his father and make a one-year agreement with him?

For the sake of freedom one year later, he endured it.

Olive's rental house isn't exactly a home at all.

Although there are kitchens, bathrooms, bedrooms, and living rooms, the total area is not as large as a bathroom in Neil's villa.

Neil, who was not used to it, did not show it again.

There is only one bedroom, so he naturally offered to sleep on the sofa very gentlemanly.

That night, the couple slept in the bedroom alone, and squeezed the other on the small and narrow sofa, and passed the night.

At four or five o'clock in the morning, Olive woke up.

She has been thinking about a question, Neil asked her to borrow 100,000 yuan, should she borrow it?

After buying the house, in addition to saving some daily expenses, she happened to have a deposit of 100,000 yuan in her bank card.

Loan to Neil and have no money on hand.

The commercial house she bought will be handed over next month, and her plan to renovate the new house will also be ruined.

After finally saving money to buy a new house, she has long been looking forward to living in it after the decoration, so that she can have a decent home.

She was reluctant to lend Neil the renovation money of 100,000 yuan.

Besides, she's known Neil for less than twenty-four hours, is it safe to lend him?

All night, she struggled with this problem, so she slept until four or five o'clock, and woke up again.

At seven o'clock, she got up and cooked two bowls of noodles.

Neil was woken up, washed up and sat down to have breakfast with her.

There are two bowls of noodles on the table, one bowl has only a few green vegetables, and the other bowl has an extra fried egg.

Because there happened to be only one egg left in the fridge.

Thinking that Neil is a man and consumes more energy, Olive brought him the bowl of noodles with eggs.

Neil has never had such a simple breakfast, but since she reminded him yesterday, he didn't hold back anymore, just asked, "Don't you eat eggs?"

"I don't like eggs." Olive picked out a mouthful of noodles and put it into his mouth.

Neil looked at her.

It was inevitable that she would make some noises when she smacked her noodles.

It's not ugly, but it's definitely not elegant.

In front of him, do you just need to pay attention to your image?

At least you don't have to make the noodles so loudly, right?

He was used to those ladies and daughters who behaved gracefully in front of him, talked and laughed dignifiedly.

Olive, who suddenly changed his style of painting, made him very uncomfortable.

Bowling down and gracefully picking up the noodles, Neil tried not to hear her sizzle.

At this time, Olive stopped and said directly, "Mr. Meyer, I want to ask you a question."

"Hmm." Neil looked at her. "Ask."

Olive asked, "What did you borrow that hundred thousand dollars for?"

Neil thought for a while, and found an excuse, "The company is closed down, and the employees are going to be dismissed, but they are in a hurry to pay wages."

Olive understood, and said, "Give me your Alipay account number, and I will transfer it to you now."

"Have you thought it through?" Neil put down his chopsticks and looked at her. "I'm bankrupt. If you lend me this 100,000 yuan, I may not be able to pay you back in a while."

Olive had been thinking about it all night.

Think clearly.

In fact, the reason she decided to get married to Neil was not all because Ezra Greene's confession put her in a difficult situation.

There is also a small part of the reason that she has been single for seven years.

Tired, tired.

She also wants to find someone to live with her.

Even if she doesn't love, she can share joys and sorrows with that man, support each other, and keep each other company.

When she just remembered, her parents divorced, and no one wanted to take her to find new happiness, and she was abandoned by her parents.

At the age of 21, she was abandoned by her boyfriend who was looking for Bai Fumei.

She has experienced the cruelest abandonment in the world, and seen the most sinister heart in the world, but Olive feels that she still has to believe in beauty.

What if Neil is a potential stock?

Olive said firmly, "Use it to pay wages, then dismiss your employees, find a job yourself, and start over. As long as you work hard, everything will be fine."

Neil was shocked, "Are you really not afraid?"

"Afraid of what?" Olive asked back.

Neil reminded her, "I'm running with my money."

"You have already obtained the certificate with me, where else can you go?" Olive asked again.