Chapter 4

Neil didn't say anything more, "…"

I don't know if he thinks people's hearts are too complicated, or she thinks this people's hearts are too simple.

He needs to rethink this question.

Seemingly unwilling to believe her unreasonable support for him, he reminded again:

"Olive, aren't you afraid that the money will go to waste, in case I can't earn it back?"

Olive thought for a while, and affirmed:

"Even if there is an emergency, this is my own choice."

"I choose to marry and live with you, so I should trust you."

"If I make a wrong choice, I should bear the consequences."

"Everyone should pay for their choices, shouldn't they?"

Neil fell silent again, "…"

"Mr. Meyer, I don't ask you to be rich, nor do I ask how much money you can make if you really make a comeback, but you must at least cheer up and look like the pillar of the family."

Olive seems to be encouraging, but also seems to be warning.

"So starting today, don't think that you used to be the boss of a company, you have to work hard. If you are depressed and decadent because of this, I naturally have a way to cure you."

"Are you going to start policing me now?" Neil grinned.

Olive became serious, "I don't care about you. Although I prepared for the worst, I don't want to get the hundred thousand yuan back, so I still have to supervise you."

Neil smiled and buried himself in his pasta.

Suddenly, I realized that the bowl of egg noodles in clear soup seemed not so unpalatable.

After eating a few mouthfuls of noodles, he said to Olive, "You don't need to lend me 100,000 yuan. Just now, a friend of mine sent me a WeChat message, and he has already sent the money to my company."

Olive looked up, "Really?"

"Really." Neil continued eating noodles.

"Then your buddy is quite reliable. You should thank him later."

"However." She said again, "You'd better take my 100,000 yuan for emergency first, after all, if you borrow from your brother, you will owe someone a favor."

Neil finished his noodles and put down the bowls and chopsticks, "It's okay, my brother for more than ten years. Save your money, it's not easy for you to save money."

Olive also finished eating, got up to pack up, "Then if you want to use it, just tell me anytime."

After tidying up, the two went to work separately.

Before leaving, Olive comforted and encouraged Neil.

She just went out on a battery scooter, stopped on purpose, and sent two WeChat messages to Neil:

I'm afraid you don't have money to take the car, so I just transferred 2,000 yuan to you.

Everything will be fine, come on!

Neil, who received the WeChat, frowned.

No wonder she said before going out that her mobile phone had no signal and wanted to use his mobile phone.

It turned out that she was afraid that he would not accept her WeChat transfer, so she specially ordered the payment for him.

At this time, Neil had already sat in a Rolls-Royce.

To him, two thousand yuan is just a little bit of money.

Maybe not even money scum.

But it was the first time for him, whose assets exceeded twelve figures, to feel that the two thousand dollars was extremely heavy.

Looking at the WeChat dialog box with Olive, looking at the transfer records of the two thousand dollars, he fell into deep thought again...

Olive went to work for a busy day.

Before leaving get off work in the afternoon, Ezra Greene reminded her that the company will have a dinner in the evening.

Ezra Greene also walked up to her and said, "Olive, today you must bring your husband to everyone to see, otherwise it will be too embarrassing for everyone."

"Exactly, I also want to bring my husband with me." Olive took out his mobile phone, "But I have to ask if he is free first."

Ezra Greene deliberately added, "You just got married, so it's fine if you don't want to treat guests and set up drinks. If he doesn't even give this little face, he doesn't value you too much."

Olive doesn't care if he is ignored or ignored.

She ignored it and stepped aside to make a phone call.

Neil can come, she can officially introduce him to everyone, and save her more trouble after being confessed and harassed by Ezra Greene.

She wouldn't be embarrassed or ashamed if Neil couldn't come.

Surprisingly, Neil said yes.

At 6:40 pm, Neil showed up at Number Six of the Third Street.

In his left hand he held a slaughtered chicken in a transparent bag, and in his right hand he held some freshly picked fruits and vegetables.

Because Kaleb Meyer insisted on forcing him to pick vegetables, and rushed him to Olive's place, so he appeared in front of Olive with some mud on his trousers and leather shoes before he could change them.

Olive looked at him, "Didn't you say you went out to eat, why did you buy so many dishes?"

"My father raised the chickens, and my father also grew the vegetables." Neil looked at her, "Does your company have a refrigerator? If you have one, put it here first."

"Olive, is this the man you married in a flash?" Ezra Greene looked at Neil, who had mud on his trousers, and joked, "Their family farms and raises chickens? A farmer?"

Whether Kaleb Meyer is a farmer, Olive is not sure.

I only know that Kaleb Meyer's wife passed away seven years ago, and he was hit hard. It's not easy being alone.

Neil came with these vegetables and chickens, and there was mud on the bottom of his trousers. It seemed that he had just helped in the fields.

"What's wrong with the farmer? You don't eat the rice grown by the farmer?" Olive immediately responded to Ezra Greene unhappily.

"I don't mean to look down on farmers." Ezra Greene said kindly, "It's just that farmers have gone to work in cities these days, and those who stay in the countryside can't make much money. I'm not afraid that you will suffer with them."


"Also, the young couple were talking outside yesterday. Your husband's company went bankrupt, his house and car were seized by the bank, and he was penniless. He asked you for 100,000 yuan. Did I hear it wrong or is it true?"

"You eavesdropped on us yesterday?"

"What eavesdropping? I just happened to bump into it."

Ezra Greene continues to play nice.

"Olive, I'm afraid you'll be cheated. If he asks you for 100,000 yuan on the first day of his marriage, it's too serious. He won't fancy you to be able to make money, and he wants to rely on you to support him, so I just married you?"

Olive refused his courtship and called him a beast, and married Neil in a blink of an eye, and Ezra Greene had a grudge in his heart.

As he spoke, Ezra Greene looked at Neil pretending to be worried.

"Olive, to put it bluntly, you call it a flash marriage, but to put it bluntly, you have found a soft rice man. Why didn't you discuss such a big matter as your marriage with me and Clara Doyle? Look, you have found a lot of people." A reliable soft rice man."

Under the guidance of Ezra Greene, the crowd began to whisper.

"It turns out that Olive has found someone who can eat soft food."

"It's pretty handsome, I really can't see it."

"What's strange, now many little boys want to rely on women to support them."