Chapter Seven.

He was slowly stalking his was towards me, his footsteps light as if his feet weren't touching the floor. His green eyes identical to my own were a light with anger; the unusual golden flecks seemed to darken in anger. I flinched away from him and cowered into the wall behind me, the cold plaster caused a shiver to run through my body whilst I shook with fear.

"Please." I begged. I could feel the warm tears that ran down my cheek leaving behind a salty trail.

"You're worthless." He spat as he inched closure towards me.

I knew that he was right but I still shook my head from side to side, trying to stop his voice from getting to me. I had been told many times that I was worthless, it was no different from all of the other times that he had backed me into a corner as insulted me.

"You're stupid." He hissed.