Chapter 25

"Esme," my name was being called from far away. It was calling out to me from darkness that I was trapped within.

I woke with a breathless gasp, my throat burned and my eyesight was blurred with tears making it difficult to see. My heart beat rapidly against my chest; it felt as if it was trying to escape my body all together with each painful contraction, my hands were cold and sweating whilst I breathed in deeply trying to calm myself down.

It had just been a nightmare, it had all been true. The memories had all mixed together to create one nightmare. I could still feel his hands on my throat, his words echoed within my ears. I knew that I was foolish to ever think that I would be able to escape him, he may have disappeared from my day to day life but he would always haunt my dreams whether I liked it or not. The memories would forever be imprinted in to my mind and I had to learn to cope with them.