Chapter 48

I had been worried about moving in with Logan as it was unfamiliar and I wouldn't be in the same house with my mum who had reassured me that everything would be fine. I thought that sharing a house with Logan would have been awkward and uncomfortable but so far it had been surprisingly easy. It was different but Logan made sure that I felt at ease within his house and his presence.

Logan would wake me up every morning before going downstairs to make us breakfast which was normally jam on toast, either fried or scrambled eggs and bacon. I spent the majority of my time in my room either decorating it or sleeping, since I was still recovering, while Logan disappeared after breakfast to the pack house to help with his pack duties before returning for lunch where we would both sit around the small table in the kitchen. Logan had explained that it depended on how busy he was as to whether or not he could stay for the rest of day after lunch.