Chapter 49

A squeal forced me to look up in time to catch the mass of blonde hair lunging towards me before I was taken into the arms of Emily who was still squealing. My arms hung awkwardly at my side as she continued to squeeze me tightly to her body that towered over my small form. I didn't know how to react to the close contact as I had never had affection from another girl similar to my age. I was used to the name calling and shoves here and there in the school corridor. It was slightly unnerving as I forced myself to keep calm.

"Emily you've got to be careful," Oliver scolded his sisters as she finally released me and I slumped a little where I stood.

"I know what I'm doing," she said with a roll of her eyes.

I stood awkwardly at the bottom of the stairs not knowing what to do or say as the two of them began to argue. Then Jason joined in adding his input to the argument which only seemed to make it worse as their voices increased and they began to bicker loudly.