Chapter 61

"I'm so full," She groaned as she wrapped her arms around her small waist and slumped back in her chair. She had managed so eat more than half of her full English breakfast, a pancake had gone from the pile, two pieces of toast were missing, most of her eggs and two pieces of bacon were also gone. She hadn't even touched her yogurts that sat to the side. I had learned that she loved a cup of tea with one and a half teaspoons of sugar and the banana milkshake was completely gone.

"I'm impressed," I told her honestly. I had half expected her to give up after the first few mouthfuls as she had already looked like she was struggling but she continued until she looked like she was going to burst. I had finished before she had even started on eating her pancakes much to her amazement as she had stared at me for a minute or so before continuing with her own meal.

"I've never eaten so much in my life," She told me as I heard the honesty in her voice.