Chapter 62

I opened the passenger car door and lowered Esme into her seat before closing the door and making my way to the driver's side where I climbed in and started the engine. The drive back to the pack house was silent as I spared Esme a glance out of the corner of my eye; she was staring out the window watching as we drove through our territory towards my house. I pulled up into the driveway and easily parked the car after Esme got out and waited for me by the front.

I could feel the nerves rolling off of her in waves and I was curious as to what was going through her pretty little head. She easily slid her hand into mine as we walked through the front door that I always left open. I trusted my pack members and knew that no one would enter my house unless I was here and gave them permission. If someone were to enter my house uninvited I would easily know who it was by their scent and they would be punished accordingly.