Chapter 73

My wolf and I could finally relax after so long. Esme was fine and no longer suffering. She had shifted the same just like everyone else. It was still unclear as to how Esme was able to shift but it had happened and she had survived that was all that mattered.

"Is she okay?" I heard Kerry's worried voice whispered to someone behind me. Everyone else was on edge waiting for a reply.

"Is she?" Sam's equally worried voice appeared inside my head.

"She's responding." I flittered into the minds of every pack member, feeling their relief for the safety of their young Luna.

I focused my attention back on Esme whose eyelids were rapidly moving and I knew that she was trying to open her eyes. It would be difficult for her to adjust to her new form, especially as she hadn't been prepared for the change whereas most, if not all werewolves had.

"Relax," I whispered into Esme's head, watching as her eyelids stopped moving. "Let your wolf guide you."