Chapter 99 the Frost family seven brothers.

However, this is only the beginning.

It was almost time for the official opening of the banquet, and several brothers of the Frost family came out one after another.

Mrs. Frost greets the crowd and excitedly introduces Agatha Frost to them.

Wendell Frost, 33, the boss of the Frost family, is now the vice president of the Frost Corporation and the first successor to the consortium.

Men are mature and cold, and the aura of a superior can not be ignored.

The second Wilbur Frost, 33 years old, is an internationally renowned gold medal lawyer.

He runs the entire legal department of the Frost Corporation.

Men are reserved and gentle, rigorous and cold.

Walter Frost, the third brother, manages all the clothing brands of Ye's, with elegant demeanor.

William Frost, the sixth brother, was dressed in camouflage, with bronzed skin and fierce iron blood.