Chapter 100 call Eric, I'll take you to hide.

At the end of the song, Wanda Frost went to the bathroom to fix her makeup.

As soon as I came out, I saw the man in the corridor.

Sitting in a wheelchair, the man's pale cheeks and gloomy complexion were out of tune with the luxury around him.

"Fourth Brother." The expression on Wanda Frost's face was somewhat subtle, and she seemed reluctant to say more.

She hurried past, but the man behind her opened his mouth and his voice was cool:

"That woman bullied you?"

Wanda Frost turned her head sharply.

"I'll help you." The man said and turned the wheelchair.

The corridor is quiet again.

Outside the hall, the clothes are fragrant and the wine is crisscrossed.

At this banquet, many people want to expand their contacts through it.