Chapter 10

It was more than just their looks. Trina and Alexandra couldn't be more different. Trina carried herself in way that threatened to pick up any object and use it to maim you if you looked at her the wrong way. She wasn't the peppy, cheerleader type Alexandra had been but more the kid who sat alone at lunch because she didn't like the other students.

Still, just for a moment it was Alex in front of me, not Trina. I guess the dream from last night still lingered in the front of my mind.

"Let's go," Trina said shattering the illusion my subconscious had shown me.

I nodded my head and grabbed my keys. "Go grab your bag," I said slightly absentminded.

"Hey, are you okay?" Tristan whispered in my ear so softly that no one else heard.

I turned and looked up at him. "Yeah," I answered just as softly fiddling with my necklace. "Just a dream I had."

"Bad or good?"