Chapter 11

I ended the call and pulled the Bluetooth out of my ear. "Sorry for being late Tree."

She shrugged, "It is fine. What was the call about?"

"Just boring Beta stuff," I answered. "That was Trainer Yon, I think you met him, a couple years back with Lone Wolf got in a spot of trouble."

"I remember him. God he was such a stick in the mud. I think he hated me."

"He did," I informed her. "In his defense you did egg his car."

She crossed her arms over her chest. "He deserved it. He was rude."

"But you were insolent," I countered. "And Yon was just doing his job. As you know it is not your job to be nice to those you train."

She sighed. "Yeah I know, I know. As a trainer I am preparing them for combat. Their enemies aren't going to be nice to them so neither should I, you've drilled this into my head for years. I couldn't forget if I tried, trust me."