Chapter 15

"Want me to drive front?" he asked as we walked back. "I have GPS."

So do I. "I still remember the route," I said harshly. "And don't think you're off the hook for looking through my files."

The others were waiting by the cars when we returned. "Let's go Trina," I said, I'll admit my tone with her wasn't pleasant.

"What gives?" Trina asked looking between Jason and me. "I have a feeling that the rest of us just missed something mega serious and important."

"You want to tell them?" I asked Jason coldly. "Or shall I?"

"Tell us what?" Tristan asked me.

"The pack we're going to, it's Silver Moon," I said. Trina and Tristan both rocked back in surprise but the others were confused.

"What's so special about Silver Moon?" Colin asked. "I mean I've never even heard of it."