Chapter 16

"I don't know what you're talking about," he replied.

I smiled to myself. "Of course you don't." I got into the car as started. Despite the laughter with Tristan the dread of what I about to do wouldn't be ignored. He knew that. Still he tried. "Thanks."

There's a saying, time flies when you're having fun. The same goes for when you're dreading something. We neared the border of Silver Moon far too soon. I pulled over and stopped just outside where I knew the Silver Moon territory began.

"Dena?" Trina said rousing from her half-asleep state. "What's going on?"

My hands trembled. "I need a minute. Take the wheel. Tell Jason I'll meet up with you guys at the pack house." Normally I'd be resistant to let even Trina drive the truck but I had to be alone when I do this.

I got out and Trina crawled over to the driver's seat. "I'll link you when we get there so you can see," Trina said before pulling back onto the road behind the others.