Chapter 32

He nodded again. "Not everyone agreed with what he did. You should hear the way my cousin talks. You sat for him too, but he was young when you left so he doesn't remember you. But he remember the way our grandmother talk. It broke her heart when you left."

I grimaced. "It seems I did a lot of damage by leaving."

He shrugged, "She never blamed you. She always said that she understood why you had to go."

I smiled a real smile. "She was an understanding person."

He smiled back. "Yeah she was."

After that we chatted. Oscar was a really easy person to talk to. He was easygoing and good-hearted. We finished cooking about thirty minutes later. "I should get going," he said and I frowned.

"Aren't you going to stay and eat?"

"Nah," he said shaking his head. "I've got a roommate who starve if I don't make something for him."

I laughed. "Then I'll see you tomorrow Oscar."

He tipped an imaginary hat. "Tomorrow my lady."