Chapter 33

I jerked by at that word. Love. Being rejected by Silver Moon gave me serious commitment issues. "I'm not going to fall in love with you. Ever."

His grin only grew. "You will. I'm persistent."

I scowled. "And I'm not interested."

"Not yet," he said.

"Not ever." I spun on my heel and started back towards the stairs. I shouldn't have come here.

"Hey Deanne," Ethan called out. "You will love me one day," his voice was serious and lacked the joking tone it had before.

"Don't hold your breath," I replied softly, just as serious, before leaving.

I ran into Tristan and the bottom of the stairs. "You made your decision."

I nodded. "I did."

"You forgave him."

I nodded again. "But I have a feeling you knew that I would."

He flashed me a crooked grin. "Knew is a strong word. But I was fairly certain that you would."
