Chapter 34

The next day was bittersweet for me. I would be training all day, actually training now that the last of assessments and groupings had been done. That would leave no room to focus on social problems and that was good. I needed a break from trying to think through things. Unfortunately Alpha Ethan Benson decided he was to be trained as well. Normally it would not be too bad but he insisted on being in the group I was training.

Jason had reluctantly allowed this because he deemed me of all people the only one who could handle it professionally. It seems that my pack mates were aggressive in being protective of me. Lisa had actually decked someone who'd said some offensive comment about me just yesterday. Jason told her to take the day and cool off which is how I got stuck with her shifts as well as my own. Thanks Lisa.

"They're late," Damon said looking at his watch. "Everyone was supposed to be here a five minutes ago."