Chapter 46

"What happened to the man who hated him?" I questioned harshly.

I saw a muscle in his check twitch. "Don't be mistaken, I despise him for what he did for you. But he's not that person anymore. And Dee he looked for you. He looked every single day. He search under every rock and jumped through every loop he could trying to find you. There isn't an Alpha in Northern America that Ethan hasn't spoken to in hopes that they'd seen you or knew where you were." He took a deep breath and when he spoke again his voice was tight and strained. "He looked at countless dead bodies. He did everything he could to find you."

"Looking for me and being good for me are two different things, Tyler," I said in a cold clinical voice. "Especially since the person he was searching for is gone now. Maybe who he is would be good for who I was but not who I am."

"Maybe," he conceded. "But have you ever considered that maybe you haven't changed as much as you think you have?"