Chapter 47

"How could you?" Justin repeated. "How could you do this to me? Of all the people I did not expect this to come from you?"

I sighed. "How many times must I apologize for something this stupid Justin?"

I heard his breath rush out over the phone and cringed. Here it comes. "Stupid!" he screeched and I jerked the phone away from my ear. "Stupid? How dare you!"

I rolled my eyes. "Could you stop being a drama queen for five minutes and be oh, let's say, the Theta of the Fire Light pack?"

He scoffed. "Drama queen. You're one to talk. How could you stir up drama without me there to watch? You got into a fight with Trina! And I missed it!"

"Justin, seriously? Focus." I wedged to phone between my ear and shoulder so I could forward an email. "Hey, I'm forwarding an email to you right now. It's from some over in West Sun. It's a little weird."