Chapter 57

My old pack has a traitor. My hand tightened around the door knob in anger. The voices started moving closer and a part of me hoped that they would open the door so I could let the female taste the anger I felt. Then the voices faded. They'd walked past the door and left the room. I waited for a full thirty seconds after they left to open the door.

I was assaulted with the extreme use of wood paneling. Every wall was wood paneling but the floor was a faded blue shag carpet that looked like it was nailed down and fitted over the room. I could have been standing in an undecorated living room if not for the rudimentary lab. The sickly-sweet scent of Wolf's Bane burned my nose. I looked for a way out. The obvious way was up the three steps to the foyer and out the front door but that was the way the voices went so I went the other way to a closed door.