Chapter 58

Another harsh laugh. "You could. Dena is loyal to a Goddamn fault. She may make threats about leaving but you and I both know she looks up to you like the same way Trina looks up to her. She'd do anything you ask of her. You took advantage of that. You never should have asked her to come here. You knew how much she hated it, hated him." He jabbed a finger at Ethan.

Ethan growled. "What is it with you and my mate? She belongs to me, not you!"

"You're a fool if you think she belongs to anyone, let alone you," Tristan snapped.

"Stop!" Trina shouted wedging herself between the three men.

"Trina move," Tristan growl preparing to move her himself.

She slapped his hands away. "Stop. Dena would knock your heads together if she could see this." That got them to back off. Trina turned to Jason. "You said you wanted proof. Dena got it."

"What?" Jason asked.