Chapter 59

She looked away. "The people working on you..."

I let out a deep breath. "I take it they told you about my injuries, along with theories on how I obtained them."

"The knife wounds are self-explanatory," she mumbled. "The burns on your wrists. They're electrical burns, along with a touch of hypothermia it wasn't too hard to figure out. They missed the shackle bruises." She looked pointedly at my hands and wrists. "Dislocated your thumbs to pull your hands out?" I nodded. "Water and metal shackles to conduct electricity."

"Did you tell the others?"

She shook her head. "What good would it do them? The past week has been hard enough."

"Week?" I asked. "Have I been gone that long?"

Her face turned stricken for a split second before she composed herself. "You were gone for four days before you showed up. But well, you've been asleep for nearly three days."

My head hurt to think about all of that lost time. "What have I missed?"