Chapter 76

"What are you doing?" he asked laughing. "You're going in circles and they aren't even good circles."

"I know!" I replied. "I think my wolf is broken." I loosened my grip so I could bop the top of Ethan's head like smacking an old TV or radio to fix the reception. Ethan turned his head sharply to flick my cheek with his ear. "Yeah, yeah," I laughed as he straightened out and ran through the trees. He didn't stray far from the pack house to avoid running into any undesirables.

When we had a sense of privacy Ethan slowed to a trot and then a walk and when he slowed to a steady-paced stroll I climb off his back to walk beside him. It felt good, not walking with Ethan though that was nice, but to be walking in the woods I grew up in without having to fight Rogues. But it felt off, I felt like I was trespassing in on the life of someone who belonged here, with him.