Chapter 77

"What do you mean you don't know what was in the syringe!" Ethan yelled. "You're a scientist, figure it out!"

"There was barely anything left in the syringe," the woman replied, she was on the verge of trembling in fear of the frightening, half-crazed man in front of her. "What was left was used up in our preliminary test and we found no matches."

This only angered him further. "Can't you just make more based off what you have?"

"Of course not!" she said.

Ethan growled but was then pushed back by Trina Greenfield. "Back off. They are doing their best." She turned around. "What do you need to synthesize an antidote for someone who'd been injected with whatever was in that syringe?"

The woman thought for a moment. "Blood samples. And if at all possible results of a blood test taken prior to the injection so we can compare the results," she answered. Then, almost as an afterthought, "And medical charts of any and all symptoms."