Chapter 82

"Have they mentioned anything of use?" Jason asked his mate.

She sighed. "They merely repeat the same things over and over. None of it makes a lick of sense." Jason looked over her shoulder to see the notepad she was writing on. "I've been writing all down, trying to make heads or tails of it and see if they repeat anything."

"Have they?"

She pressed her lips into a line for a moment. "They, well the female really, she keeps going on about an Alpha and a warrior. Then something about a savior. Look at this." She flipped back to another page.

Twinkle, twinkle, little wolf,

How they wonder what you are,

Up atop a war she'll cry,

The little savior's doom is nigh,

Twinkle, twinkle, little wolf,

How they wonder what you are.

"Lily what is any of that supposed to mean?" Jason asked. "What war?"