Chapter 83

It did not take long for me to dread it, to fear it, to wish never to wake up. It did not take long for me to prefer the nightmares of my past where I killed and watched others kill without mercy and without regret. I would gladly fill that book with names until the well of ink ran dry and the pages came to an end if it meant never having to wake.

Though I never heard what they said after a few times I manage to read their lips.

It was the same thing every single time no matter who it was. It never made any sense though. "The savior must die." I knew not what it meant, only that they said it every time right before they plunged the dagger into my chest.

I actually missed the meadow and the strange woman.

Which is why when I opened my eyes to see the white ceiling and florescent lights of a medical room and saw Ethan looking down at me all I felt was fear.