Chapter 34 Camelia's Card Balance

At the same time, Mrs. Acosta sat before the counter at Flag Bank.

Inside the counter, a bank teller, who initially regarded Mrs. Acosta as nobody because of her clothing, suddenly widened his eyes in surprise.

He glanced at the computer screen in front of him, which displayed a remarkable sight.

Account Balance: $200,000,000!

Two hundred million dollars!

He stared intently at the screen, his breathing becoming increasingly rapid.

In his three years at the bank, he had never seen an account balance with more than eight digits.

After all, any balance surpassing eight digits would designate the customer as a high-value client, worthy of personal attention from the manager.

However, at this moment, he found himself gazing at nine digits!

Taking a deep breath, he attempted to calm himself.

Then, he subtly turned his head, carefully observing Mrs. Acosta on the other side of the glass partition.